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Sooo this isn't exactly based on the song it's just what I imagined when I first heard this song without actually reading the lyrics. Also let's pretend this is where Johnny and dally first meet.

I sat at Buck's place, a wild party in full swing. I was only fifteen, but I had to get away from my dad for awhile.
I was halfway drunk, watching the older kids and adults laughing and smoking. Suddenly a waiter caught my eye.
He had dark tan skin, ebony eyes, and black hair down to his shoulders. He looked over at me then, and I looked down quickly, blushing.
When I looked back up the boy was standing over me.
"Anything I can get you?" He asked, sounding a bit nervous.
I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine. You look pretty young to be serving kid. How old are ya anyway?"
"Uhh... I'm thirteen," he said shyly.
I instantly pitied the poor kid. "Well my name's Dallas, but my friends call me Dally," I said smiled gently at him.
"Hi, I'm-"
"Johnny get your ass over here and give these men their drinks!" A raunchy looking man yelled from behind the counter, motioning for him.
He turned and waved, walking away.
     I smiled into my beer, running my finger around the rim.
     "Hey get off me!"
     My head shot up, and I saw the older men at the table across from me pawing at Johnny and grabbing at his ass. Anger boiled inside me, and I started to stand up.
     "Come on kid, have some Xanax, then you can come home with us and have some real fun," one of the men exclaimed.
     "N-no," Johnny stuttered, and I could see him getting paler. "Just get- get away from me. Please."
     The men were getting more handsy, and I quickly intervened. "Hey!" I snapped, and everybody looked at me in surprise. "The kid said get off him, now I advise you do that, or else we're gonna have a problem."
     The men snickered, but backed off. Johnny looked like he was about to start crying.
     "Come on kid, let's get you outta here." I grabbed his hand and walked out the front door.
     Once we were out in the cool night air Johnny's breath quickly returned to normal. "Hey man, thanks. You're the only one that's ever intervened."
     "That's happened before!" I half yelled, and Johnny flinched back. "Sorry kid. Say, what are you even doing working there, you're barely a teenager."
     "My folks need extra money..." he trailed off.
     "For what?"
     He took a shaky breath. "Alcohol..." he kinda laughed. "I dunno why I'm even telling you this."
     I could tell the poor kid was really upset, so I placed my arm around his shoulders. "You can always hang out with me if it gets too bad kid," I told him honestly. I'm not sure why, I usually liked doing things on my own.
     He giggled. "Thanks Dally."
     "No problem kid. From this moment forth I will be your big brother."
     He stopped dead in his tracks, and my heart stopped, fearing I said something wrong.
     He turned to me, eyes shining bright. "R-really?" He asked.
     I nodded my head, and Johnny engulfed me in a tight hug.
     "Thank you thank you thank you," he repeated.
     We stood there for a minute, until a drunk across the street yelled, "Nasty fags."
     I could feel Johnny tense up again, and start to pull out of the hug.
     "Don't listen to that jackass," I told him, not letting go.
     He snuggled back into my side, holding me tighter.
     "You can stay over at my place tonight if you wanna," I told Johnny. "My dad should be passed out drunk by now."
     "Yeah,  a real bed doesn't sound to bad right now actually," he laughed humorlessly.
     "W-where do you usually sleep?" I asked, shocked once again.
     "An old lot, few blocks from here," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
     "Oh! Near the Curtis house?" I asked.
     "Oh yeah I think so. Ponyboy and I used to go to school together before I dropped out," Johnny told me.
     "You met his brothers?" I asked and he shook his head. "Alright, well I'll introduce y'all tomorrow. Speaking of you can go ahead and meet Steve and Two-Bit too. Alright?"
     "Alright," he said, barely stifling a yawn.
     I smiled down at him. "Come on let's get you home, you need sleep."
     "Hey," Johnny whispered quietly.
     I turned around and looked down at him. "Yeah?"
     "Thank you." He pushed up on his toes, placing his cold lips against mine and I shivered.
     Who knew I'd be standing in the middle of a side walk at one a.m. kissing a boy I just met and hour ago. On the other hand it was the best kiss i had ever gotten.
     We parted, both gasping for breath. "Sorry!" Johnny immediately apologized.
     "Don't be," I told him, still breathless. "That was the best kiss I've ever had."
     We smiled at each other for another moment.
     "Come on," I finally announced. "Let's get you home."
     I wrapped my arm back around him and headed to my house.

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