Chapter 2 - Settling In

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You didn't have much with you, but the turtles didn't seem to mind. You were a runaway kid, and they were offering you shelter. Of course you were grateful for their kindness, but you were still wary of them.

You barely left your room. You didn't want to be a burden on the turtles, or splinter for that matter. You were laying in your bed, scrolling through your social media, when you heard three soft knocks on your door.

"Come in" you said softly, sitting up in bed. Donnie opened your door. "Hey" you waved "I couldn't help but notice that your phone is cracked... and kinda old," he said. You nodded "it still works though" he smiled "I know! But just thought you might want an upgrade!"

He held out his hand. Laying in his palm was a new phone! You smiled at him. "You didn't have to get it for me" you said, voice quiet. "I made it. We all have one. All our numbers are on it if you ever need help!"

You took the phone and waved goodbye to Donnie as he shut your door. You transferred your information onto the new phone and set your background image. Putting your old phone down, you heard Mikeys voice call out "APRIL AND CASEY ARE HERE WITH PIZZA!"

You left your room hesitantly. You had never met April or Casey, and were wary that they wouldn't like you. You scanned the lounge tentatively and saw two humans. You sighed in relief.

You walked over slowly. "Hey (Y/N)!" Leo called out, walking toward you "this is April and Casey" he said, gesturing to the two. You smiled politely and stuck your hand out to shake. April took it gladly "it's so nice to finally have another girl around!" she said. You couldn't help but giggle. Casey shook your hand lightly. "Names Jones, Casey Jones" he said, acting suave. "(Y/N)" you smiled "nice to meet you!"

You took a slice of pizza, then sat down on the couch between Raph and April. Although Ralph had warmed up to you in the short time you sent living here, he still didn't like you much. So sitting next to him made you nervous.

April placed a hand on your shoulder, as if she knew you were nervous, and smiled at you. "Don't worry about Raph" she started "he's a huge softie!" Raph looked at her with a death glare. He didn't seem very soft to you.

Late into the night, the boys were finally leaving for patrol, leaving you and splinter alone in the lair. You didn't mind. You liked the quiet of the empty lair. As you waved goodbye to the boys, Splinter walked out of the dojo.

"Ah, (Y/N)" you turned to look at him "would you like to come Meditate with me?" he offered, making you smile. You agreed and walked into the Dojo, following Master Splinter's lead.

You sat across from him, crossing your legs. You closed your eyes and began to meditate with him. Asyou did so, you relaxed. Your shoulders dropped and your breathing deepened. Meditating with Master Splinter was one of the only times you truly felt safe in the lair.

When you and Splinter awoke from your meditative state, it was almost time for the turtles to be home. You stood, bid Splinter farewell and retreated back into your room to sleep for the night.

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now