Chapter 20 - Teenage Menace

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Raph's arm weighed down on your shoulders as he talked to Mikey. You laughed at a joke Mikey told as Leo came into the Lounge. "You guys ready to go?" he asked, hooking his thumb through a loop on his belt.

You looked to Raph as he sighed, lifting his arm off your shoulders. "Don't stay up waiting for us again, okay babe?" you looked up smiling. "I'll try my best" you planted a kiss on his forehead before standing up and walking toward your room.

As you neared your door, Donnie shot you a look, which you returned before entering your room. You waited patiently for the Lair to go quiet, then you carefully and quietly left your room, heading to Donnie's lab.

You booted up Donnie's new Communication system, smiling wide as you did so. You plugged your headset in and spoke. "(Y/N) here! Are the comms working?" you beamed when three confused voices ran in your ears.


"Woah! Where are you (Y/N)?"

"What are you doing out here!? It's not safe!"

You laughed, pulling up the tracking system Donnie created. "I'm not with you guys, I'm back at the lair." you're trailed off, focusing more on the computer than your speech. Donnie continued the explanation.

"(Y/N) is currently in my lab, at my computer, tracking our T-phones. I installed a com system into our masks!" there was a confusing clamour of voices on the other end of the comm system. You smiled as you spoke.

"So if the map is right, you guys are headed north-west on twenty-fifth, towards forty-second?" you questioned, double-checking the map. "Yep, that's right!" Donnie's voice came through the Comm. You smiled. "So your target is up Fortieth street, so you're gonna want to flank a left" you directed before adjusting the map.

Turns out, the mission was much easier than anticipated, and the guys were done in just over an hour. You were watching as they headed home when a new tracker symbol appeared on your screen.

"Don?" you called, "there's a new dot on the screen, headed towards you, extremely fast" you heard Leo order his brothers to ready themselves. You heard the turtles pulling their weapons out when the fast dot took a very abrupt turn, then stopped.

"It stopped. I don't know why, but it's on the corner of Main and Twentieth" you directed. The four colour-Coordinated dots began running to where the dot should be. They moved quickly, almost too fast for the system to pick them up.

They were nearing the dot, they were only across the street. "Who?" you heard Mikey start. "Casey!" Raph yelled. 'Casey?' you thought to yourself 'where have I heard that name before?' you shook your head.

"Is everything okay?" you asked cautiously. No one answered. "Let's get him back to the lair, quick!" the four voices seemed to combine into one as they all spoke simultaneously. "Donnie? Raph? Anyone?" you called out, hoping for an answer.

You didn't get one.

You were worried out of your mind as the whole Tracking system seemed to crash. You were worried out of your mind. Thankfully, the turtles soon came clamouring into the Lair, Raph carrying a teenage boy on his shell.

Leo bared orders, instructing Raph and Donnie to bring Casey to the lab. You stayed out of their way, hoping that you would get answers later. Raph left the Lab empty-handed, shutting the heavy metal door behind him.

"Raph?" you walked over to your boyfriend, who seemed worried. "Is everything okay?" you grabbed his hand and looked up at him, trying to comfort him. He said nothing, only dragging you to the couch.

He sat first before pulling you onto his lap. He still didn't answer as he buried his face into the nape of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, comforting him. "We don't know what happened," Leo explained

You looked up, shooting Leo a confused look. "We got there and he was unconscious on the ground, his bike was completely trashed, we're gonna go back to get it." you nodded solemnly, then continued to comfort your boyfriend.

You and Raph were in the same position twenty minutes Later when Leo and Mikey returned with a heap of scrap metal you assumed was Casey's bike.

You were in the same position still twenty minutes later wh n Donnie and Casey finally emerged from the lab. Both you and Raphshot up. "CASEY!" Raph yelled, smiling at the sight of his friend.

"What happened Casey?" Leo asked, genuine concern lacing his voice. Casey looked to his feet in embarrassment. "I crashed my bike" he mumbled. You looked around; all the turtles were now golding back laughter.

"Casey you dumbass!" Raph yelled, half laughing. "You scared us to death! We thought you got attacked!!" Casey chuckled, then looked up, confused.

"How the hell did you guys know where I was?" 

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