Chapter 1 - Runaway

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You were packing your backpack full of things. A few changes of clothes, socks, your old, cracked Cell Phone, your wallet. You hauled your backpack over your shoulder and climbed out your window.

You were sick and tired of your life. You didn't want to be in the Foster system anymore. As soon as your feet touched the pavement, you ran. You ran into the darkness of the city, clutching onto the strap of your backpack for dear life.

Once you knew you were far enough away, you stopped running. You ducked into an alleyway to wait out the night. You were beginning to regret your decision, but you were sticking to your choice. You'd rather be homeless than in the foster system.

You leaned against a wall to catch your breath. Taking deep breaths, you heard voices not too far away from you. You held your breath. Footsteps neared you and turned into the Alley you were in.

"Well, well, well, lookie here boys" you flinched. "I don't have anything for you" you confessed, backing away. "Well That's a nice backpack you got there girlie" you continues to back up. 'Listen, just leave me alone"

"You better listen to her" you heard a voice say. All the gangsters turned to look in the direction of the voice. You took the opportunity to run. You must have ran three blocks before your tripped and fell, scraping your knees. As you dust yourself off, you heard a soft thud from behind you. You turned to see what had caused the noise.

Your scream was cut off by the creature in front of you covering your mouth with his hand. You saw its mouth moving, but the ringing in your ears was too loud. You couldn't hear a single thing.

Then everything went black.

When you opened your eyes, you were laying on a cold metal table. There were foriegn machines all around you. You groaned, everything was aching, especially your legs. You tried to sit up, but you were strapped to the table.

You heard voices from outside the door. Your fight or flight response kicked in, since you could do neither, you just struggled. Your wrists going from raw and red t full on bloody. You heard a heavy door creak open and a pair of footsteps nearing you.

You panicked and dropped, your body going limp. "She must have been struggling while we were out there talking. Her wrists are torn to shreds" you held in a wince of pain as you were released from the restraints around your wrists. You felt mind disinfectant as it cooled your heated wrists, then soft bandages.

"Hopefully she'll wake up soon so we can get her home" you listened as footsteps grew further and further away, then as the heavy metal door closed, you opened your eyes to look at the bandages. You sighed as you adjusted yourself on the table.

A few minutes later, the heavy metal door opened one again. This time you turned to look at who was entering. Two giant Turtle-like creatures stood in front of you. "Oh!" one of them said, his voice calm "you're awake" you nodded slightly, fear coursing through your veins.

"Please, miss" said the other, "we aren't gonna hurt you. There's no need to be afraid" your breathing steadied as he spoke. "I'm gonna unlock those restraints okay?" you nodded, glad to finally be let free. The metal around your wrists slid away, and you sat up completely.

"Sorry about tying you down" the first one said, taking a few steps toward you "we didn't know if you would be violent when you woke up" you nodded again, rubbing the pain away from your still bandaged wrists.

The second one looked at your wrists. "Are your bandages too tight?" he asked. You shook your head. The first one stepped forward towards you. "We should get you home, where do you live?" he asked, a kind smile on his face.

You shook your head "I ran away from home. If I can just have my bag back i'll leave you alone" you said quietly both of the creatures looked at you in confusion. The first one asked why you ran.

"I would rather be homeless than in that godawful foster care system" you explained, looking down at the floor. The creatures exchanged glances, then left the room. You heard muffled talking from outside the door. Three more voices added to the mix.

Soon, the two creatures came back into the room, accompanied by two more turtle creatures and a large rat creature. The rat creature looked at you with kindness in his eyes. He spoke in a calming low voice "please young one, we offer for you to stay here until you can be on your own."

You thought about the offer for a second. Weighing the pros and cons. "Before I move in, don't you think I should introduce myself?" the rat creature seemed to smile at you "my name is (Y/N)" "and i am Hamato Yoshi, but you may call me Splinter. These are my sons"

You looked at the turtle creatures. The one with the calming voice spoke first "I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo" he stated, you turned to look down the line, the one who had tied your bandages spoke next. "I'm Donatello. Everyone calls me Donnie though"

The next brother spoke, his voice chipper and full of energy. "I'm Mikey! Or Michelangelo" you looked to the last of the brothers. His arms were folded across his chest, and he was scowling. "I'm Raphael"

"I have one more question for you... and I don't mean to be rude really" you said "but what are you?" "we're mutants," said Donnie, hs face solemn. You apologize for asking, but all five assured you that it wasn't offensive.

"Let's get you to the guest room"

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now