Chapter 18 - Apologies

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You smiled contently as Raph ran his fingers through your hair. You had just finished taking your frustration out on the punching bag, your knuckles red and raw from hitting the worn faux leather without protection. You were curled up in Raphs lap, the cool morning air flowing over you as you leaned into his warmth.

Raph untangled his fingers from your hair and reached for yours. He took both of your hands into his and ran his thumbs over your sore knuckles. He placed gentle kisses on each of them, causing you to giggle.

The silence that surrounded you screamed into your ears. You curled up tighter in Raphs gentle grasp, deciding to finally break the silence. "Im sorry Leo treats you like such shit" you whispered, tightening your grip on Raphs hands.

Raph shook his head before burying his face into the crook of your neck. "It's not your fault he doesn't get me" he breathed, tickling your neck. "You didn't have to step up for me, I hate seeing ya cry"

"I had to" you comforted "you're my boyfriend after all." Raphs head shot up, he looked at you with the widest smile you had ever seen. "Did you just call me your boyfriend?" he asked you nodded hesitantly "was i not supposed to? You did call me your girlfriend earlier"

Raph's face flushed, but only for a second before he shot you a devilish smirk. He assured you did nothing wrong, then buried his face back into the warmth of your neck. You couldn't help but chuckle at the feeling of his breath against your neck.

Comfortable in each others company, you sat in silence, a cold New York wind flowing around you, chilling both you and Raph to the bone. "We should go home" Raph whispered into your neck.

You nodded, stretching as you stood up. You looked out into the city, the bright, everlasting light of New York shining in your eyes. Raph smiled kindly at you, taking your hand in his. You returned the smile, then you both turned to return to the Lair.

You walked, hand in hand, into the lair. Mikey was playing some racing game on the TV in the living room. His head whipped around as you both entered. "Leo!" he shouted, turning his focus back to the game. "Raphs back and he's gonna kick your butt!"

You couldn't help but smile at the younger boys comment. Raph only rolled his eyes and continued leading you to your room. You turned the dull brass knob and pulled the thin plywood open, stepping forward into your scarcely decorated room.

A few unopened bags of candies and snacks sat idly on your dresser. Raph shut the door gently behind him as he stepped in. you walked past a mirror only to realize you were still in your pyjamas.

"Yikes" you mumbled to yourself. "I probably look a hot mess" you combed your fingers through your tangled hair as Raph sat on the edge of your bed. "I agree with the hot part" he teased. You playfully glared at him in the mirror.

Three gentle knocks on your door got your attention. You and Raph both turned as you told the person outside to come in. The door opened, and standing in the doorway was Leo, looking rather ashamed.

"What do you want Leo?" Raph asked sharply, scowling at his older brother. "I came to apologize" he said, his voice low "I wanted to apologize to both of you. What I said earlier was inappropriate and cold-hearted. I should have been happy for you two. Im sorry"

Raph stared, dumbfounded at his older brother. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have provoked an argument" both brothers glanced up at each other, smirking when their eyes met. You smiled at the kind interaction between the brothers. "I accept your apology Leo" you said quietly.

You bid Leo Farewell as he left your room, shutting the door behind him. Once you assured the door was closed, you sat next to Raph, leaning into his chest, seeking comfort. He wrapped an arm around you, smiling down at you. "You're too cute you know" he teased.

Raphs free hand found its way to the underside of your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. He leaned down and brought his lips to yours, capturing them in a sweet kiss.

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