Chapter 7 - Heartbeat

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Raph smiled as his brothers saw the position you were in. Smiles crept on their faces. You knew you were blushing, but you couldn't really do anything about it. "Thanks for watching him (Y/N)" Donnie said, breaking the awkward silence. You nodded, managing to squeak out a feeble "no problem"

You heard Mikey snicker under his breath, your blush worsening."you're really comfy (Y/N)" Raph commented. You shot him a glare. "It's getting late, we should all probably head to bed" Leo said.

"Alright" raph agreed, not moving. "See you guys tomorrow" you looked down at Raph as his brothers left. "Aren't you going to go to bed now Raph?" you asked. "Nah, i think im gonna sleep on the couch tonight" he teased.

"Raph!" you whined, pouting. He laughed and sat up "alright alright. You go get some rest" you rolled your eyes. "See you in the morning (Y/N)" you smiled "See ya" you got up and walked towards your room, but stopped when Raph made one more comment.

"I should get hurt more often. You really are comfy"

You felt your face flush red as you entered your room. You closed the door softly, then leaned back onto it, letting out a long sigh. You had never felt our heart beat faster than it was in this moment. You laid face up on your bed, holding your hand over your heart.

The vibrations from your phone took you out of your trance. You shot up and looked at the message from Donnie. "Meet me in the lab" you rolled your eyes. You crept out of your room and quietly entered the lab.

"There you are" Donnie said, Sitting at his desk. You walked over to him slowly. "You're not gonna make fun of me are you?" Donnie shook his head. You let out a sigh of relief.

"I do want to ask you why though" donnie stated "why was Raph laying on you when we got back?" you felt your blush return. You shyly explained what had lead to him laying in your lap. Donnie let out a small laugh. "You said you weren't going to make fun!"

"I'm not making fun!" Donnie protested. "I just think its cute!" you glared at him, letting a slight smile creep onto your lips. "I think he likes you" your eyes widened in surprise. You stuttered and tripped over your words as you spoke. "D-Don't be ridiculous Don!" you sputtered. "I'm going to bed"

You left the lab in a hurry, racing to your bedroom. You laid in bed, eyes wide open to the ceiling. You couldn't believe that Donnie would even suggest something like that. Even is Raph did like you, You were a human, and he was a mutant. It would never work out, even if you wanted it to.

Did you?

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