Chapter 13 - Pet-Sitting

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You had holed up in your room after telling Donnie about your feelings. He had promised to keep your secret, and you trusted him, but you didn't want to risk it. You sat for a few hours, scrolling through your social media.

You were content with your scrolling, but a knock on the door interrupted you. You called for whoever was on the other side to some in. the door opened slowly and Mikey stepped in, pizza box in hand. "Did you want some Dinner? You've been here all day"

"All day?!" you checked the time. You had been in your room all day. "I must have lost track of time, i'll be out in a second" Mikey nodded and left your room, closing the door softly behind him.

You got out of your bed and fixed your appearance before quietly leaving your room. "There you are!!" Raph exclaimed, causing you to jump. "Oh, sorry. We were worried you were sick" you shook your head "nah, just lost track of time i guess" you reached to grab a slice of pizza.

"We should hurry and eat, we have to be out for patrol in five" Leo stated as he finished his slice. You were sad that the guys were leaving soon, but slightly relieved that you wouldn't have to face Raph for much longer.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Raph's voice pulled your out of your thoughts, and you looked at him, trying to avoid direct eye contact. "Could you watch chompy while i'm out? He doesn't like to be alone" you tried to hold back a slight giggle as you nodded "sure! Any special care instructions?"

Raph explained how to care for the Alien turtle before he had to go. He waved at you, now holding chompy in your arms, as he left. You waved back, and chompy gurgled. You looked down at the reddish alien and giggled, petting the top of his head softly.

You sat on the couch and placed Chompy gently next to you as you turned the tv on. He gurgled at you and you chuckled. You lifted chompy and laid on your stomach across the couch. "Does Raph ever talk bout me?"

You felt a little silly talking to Chompy, but it felt kind of nice to know that someone would listen. Chompy chirped in response. "No? I didn't think so." you pet chompy gently "do you mind if i talk about him for a bit?"

You ranted for a solid hour to Chompy, talking about your feelings for Raph, questioning if they were romantic or just friendly. Once you stopped ranting, chompy lifted one of his legs and placed his little paw on the tip of your nose.

You couldn't help but laugh "oh, Chompy! You know just how to cheer me up!" Chompy looked up at you with what looked like a smile and chirped at you. "Thanks little guy" Chompy moved away from you as you sat up again.

You flipped through channels on the tv, looking to Chompy for approval of the show. He wasn't much help however, because his only response was the little chirps and gurgles he made.

After an hour of flipping through channels, both you and chompy were feeling quite drowsy. You laid on your back on the couch, pulling chompy up to rest on your stomach. He was asleep almost instantly, letting out little wheezes as he slept.

You slowly drifted off to sleep yourself. Totally unaware that the turtles would be coming home any minute now. You slept soundly as the turtles entered the lair.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Mikey questioned, looking around. Raph spotted you sleeping on the couch. "Shh" he prompted, bringing a finger to his lips. "She's asleep" 'well she cant stay on the couch" Donnie commented very matter-of-factly.

"Well someones going to have to either wake her up or carry her to bed" Leo instructed. Everyone's eyes drifted to Raph. "why me?!" he almost shouted. "You're the strongest" Donnie commented "you're the one who found her" Mikey teased. "She doesn't trust us enough" Leo mentioned.

"Ugh, fine" he begrudgingly agreed, moving chompy off your stomach and lifting you bridal style off of the couch. Raphs Brothers snickered under their breath as he carried you to your room.

He laid you gently onto your bed, then lifted the covers over your body. "Goodnight (Y/N)" he said softly before exiting your room silently. "Oooh!" Raph glared at his brothers. "Raph has a girlfriend!" Mikey teased, before running for his life. "You're gonna get it Mikey!"

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