Chapter 17 - Breakfast

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You awoke peacefully the next day to the smell of cooking bacon and sweet pancakes. You stretched and threw your blankets off your body. You took a minute to fix your hair, but opted to leave the safety of your room without changing out of your fuzzy pajamas.

You trudged through the lounge towards the small kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You stepped into the kitchen, and yawned "morning Mikey" you sighed, taking a seat at the small dining room that was there.

"Morning, but i'm not Mikey" your head shot up as you took a good look at who exactly was cooking. Raph set a plate of bacon and pancakes in front of you and smiled. "Raph? Why are you making breakfast?"

He huffed in a playful manner, then turned back to the stove. "I wanted to surprise you, but i see my excellent cooking woke you up earlier than I had hoped" he teased as you took a large bite of the pancake.

"Holy shit Raph!" you exclaimed. "This is great!" he smiled kindly as he flipped a fresh pancake onto the tray. As he moved, you could see his t-phone set up on the counter, displaying a pancake recipe.

You chuckled and continued to eat your delicious breakfast as Raphs brothers filed into the kitchen. "What smells so good?" Leo remarked, smiling. Donnie looked at the food laid out on the counter. "Raph, did you make breakfast?"

"No, dipshit, (Y/N) did" Raph said as he continued to cook "of course i made breakfast!" he spat. Donnie raised his arms in defense. "And none of it is for you guys" Raph teased as he set a fresh plate of food in front of you.

"What?!" Mikey whined as you chuckled. Raph walked behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Enjoy" he cooed as he kissed your cheek. You smiled as soon as Raphs lips made contact.

"Wait, what's going on?" Leo demanded, glaring at Raph. Donnie tried to hold back a laugh. "Isn't it obvious dumbass? (Y/N) is my girlfriend now!" you blushed at the title, but smiled. "Girlfriend?!" Leo raised a nonexistent eyebrow.

"Raph, can I talk to you for a minute... outside?" he hissed as he grabbed Raphs arm and dragged him out of the kitchen. You looked to Donnie and Mikey in confusion. Both shrugged as Mikey took a large bite out of a pancake.

You heard Raph and Leo "talking" outside. They were shouting at each other, so it was pretty easy to hear that they were yelling about you. "What do you mean you like her?!" you heard Leo shriek. "Why do you care?" Raph defended. "We're not hurting anyone by being together!"

You started feeling guilty, Raph shouldn't have to go through this just because you were together. You got up and washed your dishes as the screaming match went on. "You're a mutant!" Leo shouted, "she's a HUMAN!" He exaggerated the word human.

You stepped out of the kitchen on the verge of tears. "So what if i'm a human?!" you got the courage to shout. "Raph and I are together and you can't change that!" you felt tears roll down your cheeks as you defended your boyfriend.

"(Y/N)" Raph said calmly as he walked over to you. "(Y/N), its okay" he cooed as he placed a hand on the small of your back. "No" you spat, looking Leo dead in the eyes. "It's not 'okay'" you glared daggers at Leo.

"Don't you dare" you started, stepping towards Raphs older brother, tears still streaming down your face. "Dont you FUCKING DARE take this shit out on Raph!" you shouted. Leo raised his hands in defense. "I didnt- i never-" he stuttered, trying to think of an excuse.

Raph walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Lets go blow off some steam huh?" he offered, starting to lead out out of the lair. You nodded and let him guide you, finding comfort in the gentle pressure of Raphs hand on your arm.

You really needed to get some fresh air. 

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