Chapter 6 - Hurt

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The lounge was very suddenly a buzzing mass of voices. Something had happened up top. Raph was unconscious and bleeding. You were trying to find out what was going on, but everyone was too focused on other things. Donnie had given you strict orders to stay by Raphs side and to call him if anything happened.

You could barely comprehend the order before the rest of the boys ran out of the lair. All you could do was stay with Raph until he woke up. Your heart was racing, and you had a million thoughts all at once. What happened to Raph? Is he gonna be okay?

You were terrified, but you couldn't let your fear control you, you had to be strong. For raph. You took deep breaths, not taking your eyes off of Raphs chest. His breathing was shallow and slow, which worried you, but at least he as breathing.

You started pacing, walking back and forth behind the couch, stopping every once in a while to check on Raph. your nerves were killing you, and eventually you had to sit down. You sat by Raphs head, watching as his chest rose and fell with every breath.

You held your head in your hands, worry running through your mind, until you felt a hand on your leg. You shot up to see that Raph had reached for you, he was groggy, but he was awake. "Oh thank god" you sighed, smiling "what happened?" Raphs voice was raspy and coarse.

You explained that no one had told you anything, just that you had been tasked with watching him. He smiled, and tried to sit up. You had to help him, but once he was upright he instantly had a lot more energy. "I have to go help my brothers" he insisted.

"No, Raph, you're hurt! I - your brothers don't want you getting worse" you cried. Raph gave you a sympathetic look. "Please, stay here" you pleaded. "If not for your sake, for mine?" you didn't bother hiding your blush.

Before Raph could protest, you grabbed his hand. "Please" now Raph was blushing too. He reluctantly agreed to stay with you. You smiled. "You stay here, I'm gonna call Donnie and tell him you're awake." Raph nodded as you left the room.

After calling Donnie, you sat next to Raph on the couch. "How are you feeling?" you asked shyly. "My back is fucking killing me, but other than that, i think im okay"

"Let me get you some painkillers"

"No its fine"

"You're in pain Raph, you need some painkillers."

You got up and walked to the lab, and began rummaging around in Donnies first aid kit. You pulled out some pain meds and left the lab, only to find Raph laying back down on the couch. You chuckled slightly as you walked over.

"Sit up and take your meds" you urged, handing Raph a glass of water and a pill. He took the pill as you sat on the couch. Raph laid back down, resting his head on your lap. You could tell your face was bright red.

"R-raph?" you stuttered, struggling to find the right words.


"Why are you laying on me?"

"I am?"

You rolled your eyes and tried to calm yourself down. You heard a noise and turned your head, only to see the rest of the turtles barge into the lair. "Raph!" Leo called, running over to the couch. Raph chuckled and greeted his brothers, not sitting up from his position, leaving you essentially trapped.

This was going to be fun to explain. 

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