Chapter 14 - Accidents

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You woke up the next morning snuggled deep into your blankets. The clatter outside your room is really what woke you. You stirred in bed, then sat up and got out of bed. You looked down at yourself. "Wait" you thought aloud "how did I get to my room last night?"

You shook the worry out of your head and dressed yourself before leaving your room. Donnie was walking through the lounge. "Oh, good morning (Y/N)" you waved "Master Splinter wanted to know if you wanted to sit in on training today"

You agreed and followed Donnie into the Dojo. Mikey and Leo were already sparring. You looked to master Splinter and he motioned for you to kneel next to him, so you complied, kneeling gently next to him. "Yame!" Master Splinter called for his Sons to stop.

"Raphael, Leonardo" he instructed. The brothers stood apart from each other, each in a fighting stance. "Hajime!" Splinter shouted, and the boys leapt into battle. You watched intently as the two swung at each other, the sounds of yelling and metal clanging filling the air.

Neither brother was willing to back down, blocking hits, deling blows. The blur of red,blue and green flew across your vision. You barely blinked, fearing that if your eyes closed for even a second, you would miss something.

Suddenly, Leo swung his sword at his brother, slicing his upper arm. "Yame!" you shot up, running instantly to Raphs side. His wound was bleeding heavily, way too heavily for the wound to be something minor.

"Raph!" you shouted, running over to him. He was putting pressure on the wound, but blood was spilling from between his fingers. "Oh my god! Donnie help!" Donnie walked over and looked at Raphs bleeding arm.

Before you could think, Donnie ushered Raph to the lab. You followed closely, worried out of your mind. Donnie made Raph sit down on an operating table as he looked over the wound. You sat next to him, your brow furrowed in fear.

"The wound isn't that deep, but i'm going to bandage it tightly" Donnie clarified, wrapping Raphs wound in clean cotton bandages. "Thank god" you sighed, worry leaving you. Raph looked down at you and smiled.

"Why you suddenly so worried about me?" he teased, causing you to blush. "W-well" you stuttered, suddenly not able to find the words. "Well, why do you care so much?" he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

You stuttered and stumbled over your words, Raph staring right through you. "Because I like you okay?!" you shouted.

You immediately covered your mouth. How Could you have just blurted that out?! You ran out of the lab, the sting of tears present in your eyes. You ran into your room and slammed the door shut.

"Why did I say that?!" you scolded yourself, tears brimming from your eyes. You paced arond your room, scolding yourself for making such a stupid mistke. How could you face Raph after this? How could you face his brothers?

You had to leave. You had to leave now. You tossed your belongings into your backpack. You waited until the coast was clear, then ran out of the lair, and into the dark of New York City once more.

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