Chapter 10 - Yelling

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You entered the lair, only to be greeted with stares from everyone in the lounge. "What's going on?" you questioned, a little annoyed. "Where the hell have you guys been all morning?!" Leo barked, Worry in his eyes.

Raph came you your defence. "Don't yell at her! We were just doing some early morning exercise!" he wrapped an arm around you. You shivered at the touch and slowly slipped away from Raph. "im just gonna... go" you said as you slipped away into your room.

You could hear Raph and Leo yelling at each other in the lounge. "Look what you did now Leo! You scared her!" Raph Barked. "Are you sure it wasn't you having a death grip on her shoulder?!" Leo retorted. "I did not have a death grip on her!!"

You covered from within your room, the argument raging on outside the plywood door. "Did you ever even ask if she wanted to be touched?" Leo snapped. "You don't know what kind of past she came from!"

"I know more about her than you do Leo!" you heard Raph yell, his anger peaking. "Maybe if you fucking tried to get to know her at all, she wouldnt be so fucking scared when we're around!" you didn't hear Leo reply. Just Raph storming off to his room.

You tried to calm yourself down. You hated that Raph argued with Leo. you pulled your phone out and started playing some calming music. You took deep breaths, just as you did with master Splinter.

Once you were calm, you left your room to get something to eat. You were passing Raph's room when you heard him talking to himself. You paused. "Leo has no idea what he's talking about. She's really a great person once you get to know her"

You looked through the crack in the door and saw that he was talking to chompy. "Once you get past the barriers she's put up, she's super fun to be around." you blushed at the compliment. You thought it would be best if you left Raph to his devices, so you continued on your way to the kitchen.

You rummaged through the fridge until you found some leftover pizza and a water bottle. You are in the kitchen, then walked back to your room. Raph was still talking to Chompy in his room. He was being extremely quiet. But you could tell he was still talking.

You continued on your way to your room when Raph walked out of his. "(Y/N)!" you stopped in place, tensing up. "I'm guessing you heard us," he admitted. You nodded. "Im sorry, its just, when he makes stupid comments like that i cant thelp but-" you cut him off. "I heard you talking earlier. Who were you talking to?" Raph blushed slightly. "You can't tell anyone" you nodded, taking a step towards him.

"I was talking to chompy" he admitted. Looking embarrassed. You couldn't help but giggle. "Don't worry. It's actually kind of sweet." you smiled. You both turned to walk away from each other when you felt you needed to clarify something.

"Oh, and Raph?" you said, turning to face him. "I really don't mind you touching me"

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now