Chapter 11 - Secrets Uncovered

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You had woken up hours before sunrise. None of the turtles were awake yet. You wandered through the empty Lair aimlessly. You decided that since you were awake you might as well go up to the rooftops and practice the moves Raph had taught you the day before.

You left the lair silently and scaled the fire escape of the building. One on the roof, you pulled the punching bag out of its hiding spot and began practicing your moves. Lnading hit after hit, the sound of your fists against the faux leather filled the air.

You decided to practice one of the more complicated kicks that Raphael had taught you. You jumped and spun, aiming your foot towards the top of the punching bag. Your foot made contact with a sickening smack. You landed on your feet surprisingly.

"YES!" you yelled, pumping your fists in the air. "Good job!" you heard a voice from behind you. You spun to see who had spoken, pulling your fists up. "Woah, calm down, it's just me" Raph put his hands up in defence, a sly smile on his face.

You lowered your fists "you scared me" you said quietly. "Sorry, but I have to ask, what are you doing awake?" Raph crossed his arms over his chest, raising his nonexistent eyebrow at you. You tripped over your words as you tried to explain. ''I-I just wanted t-to practice what you t-taught m-me" you managed to stutter.

Raph chuckled at you "don't be embarrassed. I'm proud that you're taking training seriously," you smiled shyly "bus seriously (Y/N), leave a note, we were all worried sick" you gave raph a look. "Okay fine, I was worried sick. But so was Donnie!" you smiled. "Thanks for worrying about me Raph."

"We should get back to the lair, let everyone know you're okay" he prompted, uncrossing his arms from his chest. You nodded and pushed the punching bag back to its hiding spot before following Raph's lead back to the lair.

Once back in the lair, you apologized to everyone for running off, then returned to your bedroom. You had only just laid down when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in" you instructed, sitting upright.

'Donnie opened your door tentatively. "Hi, uh, i need a bit of help in the lab, can you help me out?" he asked nervously. You hopped off your bed and got up "sure thing Donnie" you followed him to the lab, shoving your phone into your back pocket.

You helped Donnie out in the lab for a while, passing him tools and beakers, when he asked you politely to go get him some water from the kitchen. You agreed and walked through the lounge to the kitchen.

You passed Raphs door and heard him talking to Chompy. "She's so beautiful, Chompy" you paused and listened to him "and even though shes shy she's so strong." you blushed when he realized he was talking about you. "If she ever knew i liked her, god shed fucking hate me. I'm a freak, she's a human"

You felt bad hearing Raph talk bad about himself, but you couldn't just burst into his room and told him you heard everything he said. You just continued on your way to the kitchen. When You left, Raph was still talking to chompy about you.

"I'm in deep chompy, everything i do now makes me think of her. I've got it so fucking bad" you blushed. Now that you knew about raph's feelings towards you you were quite conflicted, did you like him too? Was he just a friend?

Thoughts raced around your head as you returned to the lab. You gave Donnie his water "thanks (Y/N)" he said, not looking up from his work. "No problem Don" you replied "im feeling kinda tired, i'm gonna go lay down for a bit." "alright, if you need any meds come see me"

You thanked Donnie and retreated to your room, still flushed from hearing Raph. your thoughts still raced around your mind. Sure Raph was a super nice guy, well, at least to you he was, but did you have feelings for him?

Neither your mind nor your heart was giving a definitive answer, so you decided to ask an expert. You pulled out your phone and sent a message to April.

"I think I like Raph"

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now