Chapter 3 - Day Off

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When you woke up the next morning, the turtles were already training, which meant you could wander around the Lair undisturbed. You peered out into the lair, and upon seeing the coast was clear, you ventured out.

You were inspecting the Pinball Machine when a voice spoke from behind you. "What are you doing?" you jumped and spun on your heels. Raph was standing a short distance behind you, arms crossed. You stuttered, tripping over your words, trying to explain that you were just looking.

You were about to run back into your room when Raph laughed. A real genuine laugh. It took you by surprise. "I'm just teasin'" he said. You felt your face flush red, the heat dusting your cheeks. "Wanna try the machine?" you nodded. "Good luck beating my highscore!"

He turned the machine on and let you play. You weren't very good, but you were having fun. For the first time since you ran away from home, you were having fun. You lost fairly quickly, but Raph Didn't seem to mind. "Now lemme show you how a pro plays pinball!"

The two of you played pinball until the rest of the turtles finished training. You and raph were laughing and having fun together. "(Y/N)?" you heard Leo call. You whipped around, the "you lose" sound blaring from the pinball machine "what did you do to Raph?" Mikey yelled.

As soon as Mikey raised his voice you tensed up. You started stuttering again, trying and failing to explain. To your surprise, Raph came to your rescue. "You scared her Mikey! We were just having some fun!" he placed a hand on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you.

You couldn't help but blush, Raph was much more tender than you ever thought. "Apologize Mikey" Raph demanded. You tried to protest, but Raph wasn't taking no for an answer. "Sorry for yelling" Mikey said sadly. "You didn't know it would scare me, its okay"

"Thanks for hanging out with me Raph" you said as he released his grip on your shoulders. You soon retreated back to your room. You sit on your bed and pulled your phone out, looking through your messages.

You had two new messages from April.

"The guys told me you ran from home"

"Wanna go on a shopping spree?"

"It'll be a girls Day off!"

You replied as quickly as you could, agreeing to go out. "Great! I'll come get you in ten!" she replied. You smiled at your phone as you got ready to go out with April.

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