Chapter 19 - Learning

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"(Y/N)... (Y/N)!!" you jolted up, gasping for air as Donnie gently nudged you awake. You covered your face with your hands and tried to rub the sleep from your eyes. Donnie apologized for startling you, looking down at his feet nervously.

"You slept in, Master Splinter was worried about you" you turned on your phone, checking the time. You really had slept in. you told Donnie you would be out soon, and once he left, you got ready as quickly as possible.

You walked out of your room, closing your door behind you. "Morning sleeping beauty" Raph teased. You rolled your eyes and sat next to him, as close as you could without sitting directly on his lap. His arm was instantly around you.

Raph reached for the remote that was sitting on the couch cushion next to him. Once he had it however, Donnie walked out of the lab, calling your name. You turned to look at why exactly he was calling you.

"I need your help in the lab, if you don't mind" Donnie Clarified, gesturing towards the open door. You looked to your boyfriend, who now had a disgruntled look on his face. You gave him an almost pleading look before his expression changed.

"Don't do anything Mikey would do" he teased as you got off of the couch. Mikey who was walking through the lounge, piped up "yeah!" he paused "HEY!" you giggled, then followed Donnie eagerly into the lab.

Donnie was already sitting in his computer chair when you entered, typing away at his home made computer. "What did you need help with Don?" you asked, pulling up a chair. "I wanted to know if you would be our computer guy?"

You looked at Donnie as if he was crazy. "Computer guy?" you questioned, not exactly sure what that meant. "Yeah!" Donnie confirmed, voice full of enthusiasm. "You'll be tracking both the shell raiser and enemy vehicles, hacking into their systems, and that's only the tip of the iceberg!"

You shot Donnie a concerned look. "How the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't know how to do any of that stuff!" your voice was shaky with nerves. Donnie smiled kindly at you. "If you want, I can teach you how to do all of that, and anything else you want to know."


"Yeah, Really. Plus, You're not in a formal schooling system anymore anyway."

You thought for a moment, going over the Pros and Cons in your head,before finally agreeing. Donnie practically jumped with joy, smiling wide and thanking you over and over again. "When do you wanna start?" Donnie asked excitedly. "What better time than the present!" you smiled, pulling your chair closer to the computer.

A few hours later, when you had finally finished your lesson, you emerged from the lab, panning your vision across the lounge, looking to see who was there. Only Leo was there, eyes focused on the tv.

You walked past him and straight into the kitchen, not bothering to see what he was watching. Raph was sitting at the small dining table, feeding Chompy. "Hey Raph" you greeted, sitting across from him. He gave you a slight smile.

"Hey, what did Donnie need you for?" he asked, not taking his eyes off his maroon pet. "He wanted to keep it a surprise, sorry" Raph looked up at you, smiling. "That's okay, i'll see eventually right?"

You giggled and nodded. "Eventually"

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