Chapter 23 - One Last Stand (PT1)

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You and Donnie were in the lab. It was half an hour before the boys had to leave. You were setting up the com system when Raph came in. you greeted him hastily before continuing on your work. Raph, However, was not having this.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked, "privately?" you agreed after Donnie offered to finish setting up and began following your boyfriend to his bedroom. He seemed worried, so you didn't ask him about anything until you were completely sure the door was closed.

"Raph, what's wrong?" you barely got the sentence out before your boyfriend began rambling on about the upcoming mission. You called his name several times, raising your voice every time he did.

"Raphael!" you shouted, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked you dead in the eyes, almost looking straight through you, his own eyes dull and cloudy compared to their normal electric green.

"I can't guarantee you that everything is going to be okay, but I can promise that ill be with you through everything." you gave Raph a weary smile. He smiled back and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug that drew the air out of your lungs.

When you and Raph finally emerged from his room, his brothers were waiting nervously. "Ready to go, Raph?" Leo asked tentatively, earning a curt nod from his red-clad brother. "Good luck, guys."

Raph ran to you and gave you one last embrace. The side of your head was pressed so firmly against his chest that you could hear his rapid heartbeat. "I love you" he whispered, loud enough so only you can hear.

Before you could respond, Raph and his brothers were gone. You stood in confusion for a while before running to the Lab and booting up the com system. The guys were already a quarter of the way to the Empire State Building.

"Testing one-two" you spoke into the headset mic. "Am I coming in clear?" Leo responded, his voice loud in your ears. "Loud and clear (Y/N), can you hear her guys?" the other three gave affirmative answers, claiming they could hear you just fine.

You watched diligently as the boys neared their destination. The silence was deafening, even over the com system. You heard the shellraiser stop and saw on the tracking system that they were entering the building.

"Alright (Y/N)" Donnie started, "you have the blueprints right? Tell us how to get to the basement" you grabbed the rolled-up blueprint from its spot on the desk, clearing a space so you could roll it out.

"So you're on the ground floor? You're going to go into the maintenance elevator and input a code" you heard the boys shuffling as they entered the elevator. "The code is 5984" you heard four beeps, presumably someone imputing the code.

"A panel opened," Mikey said. They went silent for a bit before Donnie asked you "what's the next step?" you instructed the boys to his a sequence of buttons that would take them to what you assumed was the Kraang secret base.

You heard the Elevator start moving, but by the sound, it was going at a snail's pace. About ten seconds into the ride, Mikey started hitting his nunchucks together, making a beat.

"MC Mikey" he paused, letting the beat continue, before starting to beatbox. You chuckled under your breath when his brothers joined in, all four of them making their own beatbox song. Sure the situation at hand was serious, but the boys were probably channelling their stress into this funny song.

"We're here," Donnie said as the elevator finally stopped moving. You heard the door open and braced for the worst.

"There's nothing here."

"What?" you couldn't believe it. Had you given them the wrong floor? Impossible, this was the only place it could have been. "There's nothing here. It's just warehouse space." Leo commented.

All four gave confused remarks, asking you if you were on the right floor. You assured them that, yes, this was the only floor it could have been on. As the boys were talking, you heard a sound from behind you.

You didn't turn, because you were used to the sound of metal crashing in the lab. However, the crashing noise continued, and you realized that the sound you were hearing wasn't something falling, it was something walking.

You turned your head and screamed when you saw hundreds of Kraang droids standing behind you. They lunged at you, and the last thing you heard was Raph calling your name

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