Chapter 5 - Secrets

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After about a week living with the turtles, you had gotten used to being out of your room. You were sitting on the couch, playing a video game when Raph vaulted over the couch, landing next to you. "Morning" he said, both arms on the back of the couch.

"Morning" you returned, finishing the level you were playing. "Shouldn't you be training?" you remarked. "Nah, Master Splinter let us take a day off. Leo and Mikey are still sleeping"

"And Donnie?"

"In his lab, like always"

You couldn't help but chuckle. Normally you didn't like the boys making fun of each other, but this was pretty funny. As you looked up, you saw the faintest trace of pink on Raph's face. He seemed to notice this, as he quickly changed the topic. "What are you playing?"

You told him the title of the game, getting back into focus. You expected Raph to leave, but instead he just sat and watched as you played. After a few levels, you turned to look at him. "Do you want to play?" you offered. He held hand up in denial and shook his head. "Nah, you're better at the game than i am, i'll just watch"

You blushed at his comment, but continued playing. Your focus was almost unbreakable, until Raph started asking you questions. Things about your favourite colour, favourite food, your heritage. You answered them all without so much as a second thought, but then he asked a question you didn't know the answer to.

"Why'd you run away?"

You paused the game. You had no idea how to answer this question. You turned to look at Raph. he returned the glace with confusion and concern. You swallowed the lump in your throat. "My parents both Died when I was three. I've been in the foster care system for twelve years" you explained, trying not to cry.

"After moving families five times, moving states twice, and switching schools six times, i figured id rather die on the streets than live another minute in the foster system." you let out a sigh and wiped your face of the tears that had began to crawl down your cheeks,

You felt a huge weight leave your chest. Raph placed a hand on your shoulder, your gaze snapping up to meet his. "That fucking sucks" he said blatantly. You couldn't help but laugh. "So helpful Raph" you teased. "There's that smile" Raph cooed, placing his free hand on your cheek. You locked eyes for a second, but quickly looked away from each other. Raph slid away from you. "Thanks for cheering me up Raph"

Raph chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "This isn't usually my expertise, but no problem" you both smiled and blushed. This was the beginning of a truly beautiful friendship.

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now