Chapter 24 - One Last Stand (PT2)

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Mechanical noises filled your ears as you regained consciousness, this felt oddly familiar to you. Your eyes fluttered open, only to be assaulted by bright LED lights. You were once again strapped down onto an operating table.

You moved your head around the room. You were in some sort of lab, equipped with way more advanced tech than Donnie's lab. Looking straight up, you saw a machine that had a plethora of medical needles, all filled with the same glowing blue liquid.

You had seen Donnie working with this stuff before, and once you realized what it was, your heart sank. "Mutagen," you said aloud, not taking your eyes off the needles. Your heart began to race, who knows what kind of DNA was mixed into it.

You knew that all it took was a drop. One drop and you'd transform, and you knew that not all transformations turned out as graceful as Raph and his families.

From the left of you were three voices, or was it two? You couldn't tell. "Kraang intends to mutate the human known as the human friend of those known as the turtles," the first voice said. A second, way more sarcastic voice replied.

"Oh my god would you shut up already?!" it snapped, "Jesus, you guys have been on this planet for millennia, and you still don't know how to speak English properly!" as the second voice finished, the door to your holding cell flew open.

Standing in the doorway were two Kraang droids, along with one other Kraang, who was piloting some sort of giant mech suit, that seemed to have the head of a goth girl on top of it. "Well, hello there little (Y/N)" the one in the mech spoke.

"It has come to my attention that we have some mutual friends, don't we?" he asked, venom dripping from every word. You didn't reply. "Don't worry little girl. Once the turtles come to rescue you this will all be over" he paused. "Because we'll kill you all!"

You didn't waiver, you didn't retreat. You stood your ground as best as you could considering you were strapped to a table. One of the Kraang droids spoke, "should the one known as Kraang Sub-Prime begin the mutation of the human girl known as (Y/N)"

Kraang Sub-prime groaned, presumably from the Kraang's long-winded spiel. "Yes! Jesus!" he barked. "Oy vey, these guys never shut up!" he complained. "I could say the same about you," you said, your voice surprisingly calm.

"Oh, she's sassy!" Kraang Sub-Prime cooed, making you uncomfortable, "what DNA do we have available for mutation?" the second Kraang Droid started listing off various species of animals, presenting a new vial with each addition to the list.

'This is it' you thought, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. You looked back on the past few months, all the fun you had with the turtles. The last few months had been the best time of your life, it had been the first time you'd been happy since your parents died.

You only had one regret, but now wasn't the time for regrets, you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for your fate.

Your eyes snapped open when you heard the heavy metal door slam open. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Raph was standing in the doorway, the head of a Kraang droid still hanging off his sai.

"What?!" Kraang Sub-Prime shrieked. Raph and his brothers all charged into the room, Raph and Leo instantly going for Kraang Sub-Prime, while Donnie freed you from your restraints.

"How did you find me?" You questioned, your heart still racing from your "conversation" with Kraang Sub-Prime. "You think I tracked Casey and not you? I built it into your t-phone!" You thanked him before he and Mikey jumped into the battle with the giant mech suit. All the while, you stood by. After all, all you could do was watch.

The battle did not last long, especially with Raph's extreme rage thrown into the mix. Kraang Sub-Prime's mech fell to pieces, leaving him in his little levitating chair. "I'll get you turtles for this! You'll see!" He cursed as he flew over your heads and out the door.

You ran to Raph, allowing him to crush you in an embrace. "I'm so sorry! You should have come with us, it's my fault you got kidnapped" you consoled your boyfriend, trying your best to return his affections. "No, Raph, it's not your fault"

"I hate to ruin the moment," Leo interrupted, "but we better get the fuck out of dodge" everyone looked at Leo in agreement. Following his lead out of the facility. You moved quickly and quietly so as not to alert any more Kraang.

You finally left the facility, taking refuge in the Shellraiser. "Thanks for coming to save me, guys" you thanked, taking a seat in the modified subway car. "We weren't just going to leave you there" Leo assured.

"Did you find the missing people?" You asked, slight worry in your voice. "Yeah" Donnie replied "they were in that warehouse space! The dingy warehouse look was a disguise." You smiled, "I'm glad everyone's safe"

"Who cares about all those people?" Raph said as he sat next to you, "all that matters is that you're safe" he pulled you close, lifting your legs over his and burying his face into your neck.

"Raph, what-" You were cut off by the sound of the shellraiser starting up. You decided it was best to not question what your boyfriend was doing.

The ride back to the lair was quiet. Especially with you and Raph falling asleep in each other's arms.

You woke up to the faint sound and movement of the Shellraiser stopping, having pulled into its spot just outside the Lair. you were about to move, when Raph moved from underneath you, lifting you up and carrying you into the lair.

You were much too tired to object, but Raph didn't carry you to your room.

He carried you to his.

No one questioned him as he swept you away into his room, closing the door behind him.

He laid you gently on the soft, worn mattress, then laid next to you, running his fingers through your hair hat was now splayed out over the pillow. "Raph, what's gotten into you?" you questioned, not really sounding all that upset.

"You're never this affectionate around your brothers" you turned to face him, propping your head upon your hand.

"You have no idea how terrified I was" he whispered, not meeting your gaze. "All I heard was a scream and then" he paused, composing himself.

You didn't let him finish. Instead, pressing your lips to his. You both smiled, pulling each other closer. The soft kiss quickly got heated, ending with you pinned to Raph bed, the both of you panting from lack of air.

"You know, I only had one regret when I was thinking about it" Raph looked at you in confusion. "Oh?" he questioned. "And what was that?"

"I forgot to say something"

"What was that?" he said, a sly smile creeping onto his lips.

"I love you"

Raph answered you by pressing his lips against yours. His hands snaked up your shirt, around your back and to the clasps of your bra. "Prove it then"

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