Chapter 21 - After Party

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April clamoured into the lair, carrying about seven pizzas. "Casey wouldn't answer his dumb phone! He left me to carry all the pizza by myself!" She complained as she placed the boxes on the couch.

"Hey Red" Casey piped up from his spot on the beanbag chair, a pack of ice on his head. "Casey's dumbass crashed his bike and got a concussion" Raph clarified, opening a pizza box and removing a slice.

"Casey you idiot!" April whined. "He's lucky we put a tracker on his bike or else (Y/N) wouldn't have alerted us." April cocked her head, looking to you "Donnie made a tracking system to help with missions." you explained

"But how did you know about that?" April questioned. You and Donnie both attempted to explain the tracking system. "And now (Y/N) helps us on missions, which is why we're celebrating now" Donnie finished.

April looked back and forth between you and Donnie's faes, very obviously confused. "I'm going to pretend I understood what you just said and just agree to celebrate" you laughed "thanks April, so supportive" you joked.

"Well, let's celebrate (Y/N)'s first successful mission!" Leo shouted as he entered the lair, vaulting over the back of the couch. "Aw yeah, son!" Mikey yelled, grabbing three slices of pizza from one of the boxes.

You calmly took a slice and took a seat between Raph and April. April nudged you, pushing your closer to Raph. you couldn't help but laugh. "April we're-" Raph cut you off by snatching the half-eaten slice of pizza from your hands.

"Raph you jerk!" you complained through laughs, reaching for the slice that he was holding well above your head. "This is what you get for being so short!" he teased, pulling the pizza just out of reach.

"It's good to see you two getting along" April teased. Raph broke concentration for a second. "Why wouldn't I be getting along with (Y/N)? she is my girlfriend after all" this break in concentration allowed you to grab your pizza, but not before both Casey and April shouted.


Soon they were both bombarding the two of you with questions. "Why didn't you tell me? When did this happen? Does splinter know?!" "calm down guys!" Donnie instructed. "We got together like three weeks ago?" Raph looked at you for confirmation.

"Yeah, just about. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, and that you guys would find out on your own time," you admitted, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Don't feel bad about not telling us, it's your love life. We don't have to know every detail."

"Thanks, April" you smiled, leaning against Raph. "I can't believe a giant mutant turtle got a girlfriend before I did!" Casey complained. Everyone laughed. "Good luck, Jones. There's no way you'll ever be as handsome as me, right babe?" Raph looked down at you.

You laughed in response, earning a kiss on the forehead. "You're both idiots" you teased, reaching for a second slice of pizza.

As for splinter? Maybe he should know about your relationship with his son.

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