Chapter 15 - Saved Again

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You eyes still stung with tears as you wandered the dark, disgusting streets of New York City. You held tightly to your backpack as you navigated through streets and alleyways, careful to check around each corner.

You looked tentatively around a corner, down a short alleyway. The coast was clear, so you walked slowly into the dark, tight passage, taking a seat behind a dumpster to sleep for the night.

Just as you began to finally doze off, heavy footsteps echoed in your ears. You held your breath as the Purple Dragons walked up to you. "Well, well, well. Lookie who it is boys!" you looked up at the Purple dragons as they loomed over you.

"I'm telling you guys" you said weakly, reaching for your bag. "I don't have anything of value." you went to stand up, but the muscle of the group pinned you to the wall. "LET ME GO!" you shouted, squirming under his grip.

'I don't think so girlie" the leader spat, glaring at you. "You better listen to her" a voice growled from the shadows. You gasped as a shuriken flew by your head. Raph stepped out of the shadows, sais at the ready.

"Let her go!" he shouted. "Raph!" you jolted forward, catching the large man off guard. Raph charged at the purple Dragons, yelling and swinging his weapons around. "Jesus Chrst!" the Leader yelled "lets get outta here!" The purple Dragons ran out of the Alley,yelling for their lives.

You turned to Raph, awestruck that he was even here. "How did you-" you stuttered, "why did you-?" Raph pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly. "Why did you run?" you couldn't answer. You didn't know how.

Raph hugged you tighter, resting his chin on the top of your head. "Please don't run. You're safe at the lair with us. With me" his voice was soft, it felt weird to hear Raph's voice so low, but his words were too much for you to handle.

You broke down, tears streaming from your eyes. "I'm sorry!" you cried, repeating the phrase as Raph comforted you. "I was just so scared" you took a deep breath and calmed yourself out a bit. "I was so scared that you would hate me after what I said to you"

Raph pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Why would I hate you?" you opened your mouth to speak, but Raph intterupted you "why would i hate you when i like you too?"

You were dumbfounded. He liked you. He really did like you! "Raph!" you shouted, jumping and wrapping your arms around his neck. You felt Raphs arms around your torso. You had never felt happier than in this very moment.

Raph once again pulled away from the hug. "Can i? Can I kiss you?" you looked up at Raph, you had never seen hmi so reserved and shy. You nodded shyly. "Please"

Your lips met. You could have sworn you saw fireworks out of the corners of your half closed eyes. This was bliss. Pure bliss 

Runaway Love (a Raph x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now