Chapter 12 - Girl Talk

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When you didn't get a response you began to worry. Did April think you were weird? Did she hate you now? You pulled your knees up to your chest right before you heard a knock at your door. "Come in?"

April burst through the door, arms full of junk food. "Tell me everything!" she shouted. you jumped, then ran to help her with the snacks. "Did you run all the way here? You look winded!" she nodded, panting as you shut your door.

April sat on the edge of you bed, trying to catch her breath. You placed the shopping bags behind her on the center of your bed. "You okay April?" she nodded and took a deep breath before standing back up.

"You have to tell me everything!" she demanded, making you blush. "Well, I don't know!" you admitted, sitting cross legged on your bed. April smiled at you, encouraging you to speak at your own pace. You explained how you overheard him talking.

April was listening intently to your whole rant, smiling the whole time. Byt the time you finished your face was beet red. "Aww!" April cooed at you, making you bury your face in a pillow "dont tease!" you protested.

April opened one of the many bags of candy that were not sitting on your bed and dug her hand in, pulling a few out. "I'm not trying to tease! I just think it's cute!" "April!!" you whined. April laughed.

"You have to promise you won't tell him" you demanded. April threw her hand up as an oath "I promise!" you smiled "thank you april, you have no idea how much that means to me" the two of you continued talking for a while before Aprils phone rang.

"Its my dad" she rolled her eyes and stood up, leaving the room as she answered the call. You sat and waited patiently las she talked to her dad, occasionally reaching into the open chip bag to grab a few.

April reentered your room quietly. "I've gotta go soon, my dad's super strict on curfew" she explained. You nodded. "That's okay, you don't need to stay here for me" you assured, causing April to smile.

"If you have any more boy problems you can always text or even call me" you smiled "okay, ill keep that in mind, bye April" you said as April left, waving back at you. You retreated back into your room to sleep for the night thinking about your talk with April.

When you woke up the next morning you were hesitant to leave your room. What if Raph had heard you talking just like you had heard him? What if he didn't have feelings for you in the first place and you were overeating?

You didn't dare leave until you were sure the turtles were training, and even then you waited an extra twenty minutes. You quietly slipped to the kitchen and grabbed some leftover Pizza before sneaking back to your room.

You pulled a pen and paper from your desk and wrote a note, explaining that you were going out to blow off some steam on the rooftops, then left the lair quietly. Once you emerged from the sewers you took a deep breath.

Sure the air in New York wasn't the cleanest but it was fresher than the air in the Lair. you let yourself bas in the morning light for a moment, breathing deeply. You needed to be completely alone right now, and a secluded rooftop was the perfect place to be alone with your thoughts.

You climbed onto a rooftop and sat cross legged, you needed to meditate. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths before falling into a deep trance. You only awoke when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You screamed and jumped up, raising your fists before realizing that it was just Donnie. "Jesus Don!" you yelled, panting "you scared the crap out of me!" Donnie chuckled nervously. "I saw you note and came to check on you" You sighed "thanks Donnie" you smiled "Are you feeling okay?"

"I have something to tell you Don"

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