Chapter 4 - Girls Day

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April came to the lair, you heard her greet the turtles. You stepped out of your room, equipped with your phone, wallet and backpack. April ran over to you and took you by the arm. "Ready to go?!" she asked. You nodded.

"Go where?" Leo asked, cocking his head in confusion. "I'm Taking (Y/N) Shopping!" April exclaimed, dragging you out of the Lair. April lead you to the surface, her iron grip present on your arm. "Where are we going?" you asked

April dragged you into a large department store, you looked around at all the clothes. You ducked between displays, looking at dresses and shirts. You turned over the price tag on a particularly cute shirt and turned to look at April. "I can't afford this" you said quietly.

April smiled at you. "Im paying," she said. You looked at her in shock. "No, April, I can't let you do that for me!" you protested. April insisted you let her pay. You reluctantly agreed, and continued looking through the displays.

"Has Raph warmed up to you yet?" you jumped at her question "that came out of left field don't you think?" you countered, trying not to show her your blush. "But yes" you continued "we played Pinball together earlier today. You were right about him being a softie"

You pulled a sundress off the rack as April chuckled at you. You shook your head and continued to walk around the department store, commenting on outfits, laughing and joking together. You had grabbed a few shirts, two pairs of pants and a dress. You still felt bad about not paying, but April insisted.

You walked out of the store, bags in hand. "Hey, let's get lunch" you offered "my treat!" April agreed, and you walked to a nearby fast food place. After ordering and paying, you sat down with your meals and dug in.

"How long have you known the boys?" you questioned. April took a sip of her drink before answering. "Six or seven months? They saved my life a while back and we've been friends since!" she smiled

"You seem really close to Donnie" you commented, shoving french fries into your mouth. April nodded. "Yeah, he's really the one who saved me. And my Dad" you smiled, and continued to eat.

You left the fast food place, stomachs full and ready to go home. As you and April neared the lair, she spoke up. "If living with the guys ever gets too stressful, call me up and you can stay at my place for a few nights" she offered. "Thanks April." you said.

April hugged you goodbye, then ran off. You walked back into the lair, intending to hide away in your room again. "Hey (Y/N)!" you froze, then slowly turned. Raph was waving at you and smiling. "Our last Pinball game ended unfairly, wanna go again?" he flashed you a cocky smile, and you felt you couldn't turn him down. "You're on!"

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