Chapter 22 - A Menacing Plan

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Another successful mission. The guys were on their way home and you were relaxing in front of the tv with Chompy, flicking through the channels. As you were settling on a channel, the boys walked in, celebrating their victory.

"Hey guys!" you greeted, waving without turning your head away from the tv. A chorus of greetings rang from the guys behind you. Raph leaned over the back of the couch to plant a kiss on your cheek. "What'cha watching?" he asked before vaulting over and landing next to you.

As he asked, a breaking news alert blared, taking up the tv screen. Joan Grody, the news reporter, began her story. "An update on the missing people's case, two more people have gone missing from their homes in our very own New York City." Donnie made a remark about how these were the twentieth people this week.

"James Williams and his wife Sarah have gone missing from their home in the Bronx" you were taken aback. "Those were my foster parents," you whispered under your breath. This comment made everyone in the room go silent.

The News story continues, describing your old foster parents, and providing a number to contact if they're found. As you're contemplating the implications of your old foster parents being kidnapped, you hear a faint tapping from behind you.

Donnie's already got his laptop out and is looking up both James and Sarah. "James is a scientist and Sarah is a surgeon." you managed to mumble out. You couldn't begin to describe the feelings that were buzzing around inside you.

A warm, comforting weight placed itself on your shoulders. You smiled as Raph pulled you closer to him, resting your head on his chest. "I don't know how to feel" you mumbled, letting yourself be comforted by your boyfriends radiating warmth.

"Sure I ran but they weren't bad people," you continued, not sure if anyone could hear you. You closed your eyes, only to open them when Raph stood up, you still curled up in his arms. "Where are you going?" Leo asked.

"(Y/N) needs some time, and my bed is way more comfortable than hers is, so I'm taking her to my room"

Leo didn't argue, so Raph carried you like a baby into his room. He put you gently on his bed, then sat beside you. "You know, it's okay to not know how you're feeling in every given moment," he said, his voice low and comforting.

"Hell, I never know how I'm feeling" he joked, coaxing a laugh from you. You thanked him for making you feel better. You leaned in for a kiss, but you were interrupted by Donnie's excited yell from the lounge.

You ran out to the lounge to see what was going on. Donnie was standing just outside the lab, holding a white ball that was covered in glowing purple dots. Leo spoke up from where he was sitting on the couch. "The Kraang Communication orb?"

"This thing has been dormant for months!" Donnie yelled, becoming for everyone to enter the lab.

One by one you filed into the lab where Donnie had hooked the orb up to his computer. Unknown symbols flew across Donnie's computer screen, being translated into the modern alphabet at a steady speed.

"Enough Humans have been captured by the Kraang. Experimentation on humans will begin by the passing of one human week. Kraang will be more powerful than they ever have been before." the message read. Everyone exchanged glances, confusion radiating around the room.

"I don't know how we could have been so stupid!" Donnie exclaimed, pulling up the twenty missing person cases from the past weeks. "All of these cases have one detail in common" he continued, "Singed, burned, and blackened spots all over the crime scene," Donnie explained.

"Kraang Blasters!" the three remaining turtles yelled in unison. You were about to ask a question when a second message came in.

"Kraang Experimentation on humans will take place in the location known as the location as the building of the Empire state" you were shocked, as was everyone else in the room. "There's a lot of humans that are going to get hurt if we don't do something about this" Leo stated

"Leo, interfering with this could be the death of us. We don't know what they're even doing!" Raph shot back.

"Well, we better find out, because it's our lives or theirs."

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