Chapter 2

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"TJ are you listening to me?" Someone yells from the front seat. I ignore them and continue listening to my incredibly loud music.

I feel my earphones be yanked out of my ears.

"Listen to me boy, I don't want any trouble when you arrive at Grant. One slip up and your back to military school. Your Mother seems to think you're responsible enough for real school." My father scoffs from the front seat.

I roll my eyes. "Can I have my music back now?"

"Darling just give it back, it's not him who is the problem." My Mother puts her hand on his elbow. She looks back at my older sister Amber.

Amber is a lesbian, which isn't even a big deal to me. But my parents think she's sick, Grant boarding school is an excuse for them not to see her.

I put one earphone in my ear, but I change the track to one of Amber's favorite artists and nudge her shoulder.

Amber looks up from her phone, a bruise is forming around one of her eyes but she won't tell me who is doing this to her. My parents would probably shake hands with whoever it is.

She gladly takes the earphone and we lean a little closer together.

It's just us, but at least we have each other.


"Okay listen up, you'll be taking all excellence classes and you will be preforming correctly. You already know what happens if you fall behind." My Father throws me my duffel bag and stares at me dead in the eye.

I don't even bother telling him excuses. I have barely even gotten an A in my life. I've always had dyscalculia and yet my parents never bothered to help me with it. I wouldn't expect them to.

My Father then turns to Amber.

"Now listen here girl." He hisses at her, he grabs her wrist to stop her from moving. "If you tell anyone about your illness you're gone. You fail your subjects and you're gone. You better count your lucky stars this school let you and your stupid dance routine got in or else you would be directly off to the re habitation." Amber winces.

I feel sorry for my sister, this has been happening ever since a few years ago when they caught her holding hands with a girl. At least I have never been abused like she has, I don't like guys.

"TJ, my man!" Somebody calls from the parking lot of the front of the school. I turn my head and see my best friend Reed walk towards us.

Amber backs away but I don't notice.

I high five Reed.

"How was your summer?" I ask him. Reed is zoning off in his phone but this is how he always is.

"Fine I guess." He mumbles.

My parents have driven off, Reed is texting somebody, Amber is far, far away from me.

This is always how it is.


I only have one bag with all my stuff in it.

Me and Amber walk up to the front table set up at the door of the school. Looking up I see how many stories Grant goes up.

"Mr and Ms Kippen...okay.... Ms Kippen you are in wing one room C2, Mr Kippen you are on the other side of the hallway where wing  4 is, Room E1." A lady with red glasses tells us.

I put my arm around Amber and we walk the flights of stairs to her room first.

Amber's room has pastel yellow walls and two white beds, and a desk with two chairs. A girl sits on one of the beds reading a book, her dark long hair is hiding her face. She looks up.

"Amber?" She asks getting up.

"Iris!" Amber exclaims, that's the first real smile I've seen off her all day. It's as bright as the room.

Iris has been Amber's friend for a while, but my parents don't like her anywhere near the house.


"Well you look perfect here Ambs, I'm going to head to my room, remember I'm right across the hall." I say. Amber waves at me as I walk away. I think she'll be fine.

I almost do a double take when I enter my own room.

The walls are all the lightest shade of


And it's amazing.

The colour is really pretty, and the desk is a dark wood that matched it perfectly.

I put my ratty bag on my bed and sit down. This floor is a few levels up, so we have a nice view of the field and trees out the back of the school.

Suddenly my door opens.

"Woah, weird room." A voice fills the dorm. A boy with brown hair enter the room carrying two small suitcases.

"I'm TJ." I reach out my hand. The boy slaps it like a high five instead of shaking it.

"I'm Jonah, Jonah Beck." He says, he looks around at our pink interior. His name rings a bell.

"Hey you're the one who started dating Walker right?" I said.

Jonah nods and smiles. "Actually he should be right next door if I remember right." He steps outside and I follow him. Across the hall is room E2, Jonah knocks once.

"Hel- oh Jonah!" A short dark haired boy answers, he turns his head and yells out, "Walker your boyfriend is here!"

Another guy comes to the door saying, "you don't have to be so loud Cyrus."

"Walker!" I say, I haven't seen him since middle school. He hugs me and opens the door fully, exposing a green painted room.

"TJ, Jonah." Walker greets us. He kisses Jonah on the cheek. The shorter boy who's name is Cyrus doesn't even bat and eyelash. I'm glad.

"TJ this is my boyfriend Walker and my best friend Cyrus." Jonah introduces us. Cyrus smiles but then looks down shyly.

"Awesome to meet you guys." I say, "We should hang out later before school starts." I think it's time for a fresh start for me. New school, new accepting friends. Of Amber of course, they'll be accepting of Amber. Not me.

"That sounds great," Walker agrees, "but first I want to help Jonah move in. He packs way to much." The two walk back to our room. Cyrus approaches me as we follow them.

"You don't mind them together?" He asks so quietly I have to lean down a bit. His eyes look really bright for such dark colour.

"Why would I? Besides my sister Amber has had a few girlfriends herself." I tell him. Cyrus smiles to himself, does he realize how cute his smile is?

Later that night we settle on the DC movie Shazam! (yes that is still a thing in this fandom) Walker and Jonah are cuddled so close together that there is plenty of space between me and Cyrus. Yet I feel drawn to him, I don't know why.

"Billy looks like you Jo." Walker says with a mouth full of microwave popcorn. "I don't see it." Jonah comments from within the burrito that is Wonah and blanket. Me and Cyrus smile.

I think I'll be alright.

Yay a new Tyrus book! I am really excited for this one guys! Feel free to comment since I LOVE responding to you beautiful people. Keep the vibe going guys, another chapter soon! <3

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