Chapter 6

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A/N I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I have some really stressful assessments going on right now. Also I'm sorry this is a rushed chapter, and it's pretty bad. But I'm trying. Okay, love you guys  x.


It's nothing, it was stupid anyway,

bye TJ

I read her texts over again on my phone. Somehow convinced if I keep doing so my screen will light up again with something from Veronica. I don't know why I am even thinking this, it's like a part of my mind is trying to convince me I do like her. Weird.

Amber is going out tonight, with Monika the girl we met at The Spoon. Well it's not an official date-date, but I'm pretty sure they both like each other. If me and Amber ever do get around to the party, we will definitely invite her at least, maybe something will happen then.

I look across the room to Walker's bed, at least that's what the school thinks is his bed, nobody really knows that he swapped with Cyrus a few days ago, which is good for them, Wonah is a very close couple. So I guess now Cyrus is my roommate, but I don't know how I feel about that.

Why is my brain so messed up today? I couldn't concentrate in class, ha that's an understatement, I humiliated myself in class.

"Mr Kippen, would you like to add something?"


"Well clearly your head must be far more interesting than this class, so care to contribute what fascinating things you are thinking by doing the next sum on the board?"

I see myself getting out of my desk, I see myself picking the marker up.

Stop It! Jesus brain.

The door creaks open signalling Cyrus is back. I see his eye tick as he opens to our dorm. "We need to fix that squeak." He complains.

"I don't know," I reply jokingly, "I think it builds character."

"Of course you would." Cyrus rolls his eyes. In his hands are two containers of take-out food; the school gives us a food budget every month for special occasions or if we don't want the cafeteria.

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?" I ask him, but Cyrus just looks at me innocently and balances his food on one knee while his laptop rests on the other.  Right, the investigation.

"I have suspects." Cyrus mumbles with his mouth full, I snicker at him, he looks... cute I guess.

"Oh really?" I reply, picking my chopsticks up and dropping a large noodle into my mouth slowly.

"Yeah but I don't think you'll like it."

I turn and face him. "Just tell me."


What? "What?" I repeat, or did I say that in my head?

"Reed." Cyrus straightens his back. "I have viable evidence that suggest that it could be him."

"I.. Cyrus It can't be him." I say. I mean he's my best friend, I couldn't do that to him, he would never do that. Would he?

"Why not?" Cyrus asks.

"It just can't be him." I repeat again. A good friend wouldn't rat out the other like that.

"TJ, the evidence isn't looking good for him, you can't defend him just because he's your friend." Cyrus points out.

"He just can't be." My voice becomes louder.

"TJ, He's mean, and I've seen him do stuff... He's not a nice person, surely you can see that!" Cyrus's voice becomes louder as well.

"It just can't be him!" I yell.

Cyrus looks hurt, there is a silence between us. Instead of arguing back again he just turns and picks up a towel.

"I think we should leave it here for today. I'm going to go have a shower." He says coolly.

"Listen Cyrus-" But the door is already closed.

"Crap." I mutter. Now I've done it, classic TJ.

I pick up our empty containers and start cleaning up. Then I hear a noise.

I mean it's not uncommon for a night animal or bird to be around, but what you have to know is that it is very easy for somebody to reach out window, huge bricks are sticking out of the building. Like staircases, and we're not too high up.

That's what it's worrying.

I look out my window, and slowly push it open. "Hellooo?" I ask cautiously.

And that was the moment I was engulfed by blue fabric.

More specifically,

This might sound weird but hear me out;

Veronica jumped through the window. Like her body full on climbed through the tiny whole in our wall and into my arms.

"Veronica! What the hell are you doing in my roo-" I begin, but she puts her finger over my mouth with a smirk. "Shhhh." She whispers, "Sorry but I really had to see you, and since you won't hang out with me-" Then she flings me onto my bed, "-I'll have to hang out with you."

All I could say at this time was "Uh-mph." Because then she kissed me.

It wasn't my first kiss, there was no reason to be excited over that, but it was a kiss and her hands held my head and started playing with the nape where my hair ends on my neck. And yet I really felt nothing.

I try to resurface, "Look Veronica-" But I'm cut off again. She looks at me with her really big eyes, a dark brown that slowly if you look harder into a soft but confident looking gaze. "I really need this, at this point I'm a dead girl walking. And I really like you as well TJ."

I didn't say anything. I didn't even move. It was like there was nothing even happening in my eyes.

Veronica moved to kiss me again, I could feel her fingers tug at my plain T-shirt. I tried to move her hands away from me, but she was persistent. This wasn't okay, but I didn't want to hurt her.

Then I heard what might be the most horrifying and life-saving noise in my life. The turn of the handle from the bathroom door.

"Holy crap. Cyrus is back. You have to go, I don't want him to see you." I say all of a sudden. A lot of "Wait-but-Don't-you-want-to-introduce-me?" Stutters from Veronica but I didn't care. For some reason I don't want Cyrus ever seeing me kiss anyone. Especially a girl that broke into our room.

I open the door for Veronica. "Look I'll see you again, okay?" I say quickly. Veronica pecks my lips. "Okay, this is kind of fun though." Her eyes twinkle, and I have to admit; maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I forgot how cute she can be.

Then I slam the door.

Just as Cyrus walks in fully, humming something. "Hey Teej I forgot my PJ's."

Then I turn around and- I can't tell you why my hearts racing.

Because it's just Cyrus standing on the other side of the room with his dark hair damp and kind of curled, with water dripping from it, and his hand wrapped around his towel; the only thing he's really wearing.

This is when I'm supposed to say something. Yeah brain, say something.

"Oh yeah, uh they're over in your dresser." Is what I make out.

Cyrus grabs his clothes and retreats back to the bathroom and I keep standing there. But not for too long, because soon I'm throwing my clothes off and putting my night-clothes on and jumping into the bed. Heart pounding.

I don't feel well at all, but the best I can do is retreat into the warm covers of my bed.

I don't know when Cyrus comes back in, but he doesn't bother me and soon falls asleep. I can't though. Not for hours and hours. Not until my brain has mushed all of my thoughts together and I become numb to it's loud affect in my head.

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