Chapter 17

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I meet Amber in the lobby after I'm done with my craft shopping, considering that we didn't bring much money, I could only grab a few things, but I that they will really make my newest work pop.

Amber waves as I approach her. "Hey Bambi." She greets which makes me blush.

"That isn't fair, how come I have a cute nickname and you don't?" I ask while trying to cool my cheeks. Amber shrugs, lifting her shoulders and hands like the emoji.

"You can give me one if you want Bambi." Amber replies taking my hand and leading me out of the hotel.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"I thought we haven't gone on a walk for a while, there's a park just around the block."

"Yeah it's not like we were just camping on trails or anything." I laugh sarcastically. Amber shushes me and drags me along the pathway, some people stop and look at our enclosed hands, but nobody says anything. I try not to think to much about it, every time I do I start spiraling over it.

We arrive in less than five minuets, the grass is freshly cut and shiny with due, other couples walk around or sit on nostalgic sown blankets and bask in the brightness of the sun. Amber leads me away from them though and takes me into the wood section, the sunlight still filters through the tress and pathways.

"As much as I love having picnics, I have something a little better for my amazing girlfriend." Amber says and then takes me deeper into the trees, soon we find a clearing and my mouth hangs open in surprise.

Amber has set up a tent. Like a literal tent opening canvas with white sheets held up with sturdy branches. Twinkly lights are dangling like strings dripping with honey dew. There is also plates filled with snacks all spread out over pillows and blankets.

"Oh my god Amber it's amazing, I love it." I say finally. Amber giggles and sits me down. "Well I love you so.."

I kiss her nose. "I love you too." Then down to her soft lips, and her cheeks.

Amber hands me a plate of small sandwiches and I take one with a dainty gesture. "Why thank you my lady."  I laugh and Amber joins in. For a while we just sit like that in pure bliss enjoying each others company, soon we lay down on the blankets, limps tangled. Amber starts to kiss me lightly along my neck, cheeks and then my lips once again. Every time it is different, but there is a sense of familiarity that comes from her touch.

I kiss her back forcefully, with love. I start to comb my hands though her hair when Amber's phone goes off.

"Whoops sorry, it's probably one of the others." She pulls it out of her jean pocket, but when I see her face fall I know it's not one of out friends.

"It's Monika isn't it?" I ask her.

Amber hesitates. "..Yeah.."

I shrug. "Well it doesn't matter Amber, Monika doesn't own you any more. She should respect our relationship." Then I kiss her hands. Amber bites her lips and looks away suspiciously.

"Amber?" I touch her shoulder delicately. "You did tell her right?.."

Amber shuffles away from me, "um...."

I press closer to her, but still keeping my distance I repeat, "Amber you did tell Monika that we're dating right? She does know?" I feel something inside of me that I can't label right now, but it feels bad.

Amber then finally blurts. "No okay! No I didn't, but only because I don't want her to come attack you." She sniffs but doesn't start crying, "I'm just.. I'm so happy right now with you and I don't want her to ruin that."

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