Chapter 23

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Short little fluff :)


Andi drags my hand along shady shade, it's late afternoon and the air is turning crispy and orange leaves fall into the gutter, like orange boats, waiting for Halloween. It's in two weeks and I can't wait, because finally everything seems to be perfect.

Except that isn't true, because what Monika said to me keeps tracking me. In my sleep, in my head during classes. Even when I look at Andi. God I hated that, you don't understand how much it hurt me inside.

Finally after a week Andi consulted me about it.

"Why didn't you tell me about this angel?" Andi cups my head the night I cried to her. She gently brushes her thumb across my cheeks to sweep away the hot tears.

"I don't know, I just-just didn't want to tell you, o-or worry you." My face crumpled.

Andi kissed me lightly. "Hey it's going to be okay. I promise." Then she cuddled me until I feel asleep to her soft singing voice.

Now Andi is whistling and swinging our hands with pure joy, finally after me asking a million times we arrive at a pink building just on the end of the street. Andi smiles and leads me inside.

There is a lady maybe thirty or so at the desk, when she sees Andi she also grins. "Miss Mack you're back, they are all ready for you and Amber." Then she winks at me.

Andi keeps walking at a fast pace. "Wait where are you taking me?" I ask her hurriedly as we climb the stairs.

"I'm about to change your life." And I see why just in a second, and she really does.

Andi opens the door to a room on the top floor where a lady is sitting around a group of six year olds. She demonstrates a routine and the girls and boys are quick to follow, all with shiny eyes.

"Miss Smith!" Andi exclaims and waves. Everyone turns their heads to look at my girlfriend, I half expect them to shush her, but instead the lady, Miss Smith, who has blonde hair and pink highlights, beams.

"Andi! And Amber! So nice to finally meet you!" She goes to embrace the two of us, then gestures to the class, "Okay boys and girls this is your newest teacher!"

Andi grips my hand as I take in what just happened. "Wait? What do you mean teacher?"

"Only if you want to of course." Miss Smith says warmly.

"Amber." Andi looks at me in the eyes and the room falls away. "Miss smith here is willing to pay you money to teach these guys at bitty dance academy, and the apartment she stays in has really cheap rent, right next to the school!"

I lose my breath. "Wait, oh my god!" I squeal and jump up and down with her, "For real! I get all of this?"

"Yes!" Andi yells and we hug tightly.

"Thank you so much Bambi." I gush.

"Hey, just another service we provide." Andi winks when we pull apart. I turn to look at the bright eyed students. "You guys really want to know how to dance?" I ask.

"YEEEES!" They squeal and go to hug me and I fall into a pile of laughter.



Two weeks later

I pull the blind-fold off of Andi's face. We're back in the dance room except this time it's just us.

"Amber? What are we doing back here mph-" I cut her off by kissing her my hands tracing her hair. When I pull away I grab Andi's hand and sit her down on the comfy couch. "Just watch."

Andi still looks surprised but relaxes. "Okay."

Clicking my phone to turn on the music, soft ballet fills the room. I spin and begin to sway.

My feet move to the melody and spin at the right cues. My heart swells because I'm not dancing for just anyone. I'm dancing for her, for my one and only true love.

I carry my arms like I am controlling a vast wind of emotions, then I let it die only cupping my hands for a small heart shape. My final move.

It's silent for a moment before I look up, but then Andi runs into me and we both collapse on the floor. "Amber that was brilliant! Amazing, no wonder Miss Smith likes you! You're incredible and beautiful! I love you so much."

I cup her face, "I love you so much!" Then we kiss like there is no tomorrow, Andi wraps her arms around me and I pull her closer, tasting the familiar kiwi chap-stick on her lips. The sun begins to set but we don't care because all that matter is that life is truly, truly perfect.

Andi stops, "wait Amber we're going to miss it!"

I sit up, still in a trance of the beauty of Andi, "miss wha- oh my god yeah! Hurry we can still make it in time to help!" We scramble to our feet and I throw on my boots. We jog all the way back to the school. The orange sky filled with out joy.

A/N second last chapter guys! I Just really like the fluff of this, I love all of you so much and I hope the last chapter (there is still an epilogue as well) will fill you with as much excitement.

Look at you, you're shining.

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