Chapter 9

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A/N I was so excited for these next few chapters


The sun slowly rises around the school, filling the windows with fresh sunlight and waking those early birds up who are ready to just stay in blankets and watch TV with hot chocolate.

Of course I wouldn't know because it is five am and we're all waiting for Cyrus to pick us up on the cold corner in freezing temperature.

"Seriously it's so-o-o cold." Amber's teeth chatter. I turn to face her and laugh while brushing my dark bangs out of my eyes, "well that's what you get for wearing a tank top and shorts! It isn't even winter yet Ambs."

Amber blushes and gives me a death glare. "Well Cyrus said we were going somewhere warmer anyway, besides if I want to wear something that makes me feel good then I will even if-" She shivers, "It means suffering for a few hours."

I really want nothing more than too pull her closer and wrap my jacket around her delicate body, but instead I just bode for offering her my jacket with all my pins (home made of course). Amber wraps it around her self and smiles, but then looks at the goosebumps forming on my arms. "Hey you really should be the one to wear this." She insist with a smile, but I shake my head. "I just want you to be comfortable."

"Then here-" Amber wraps the jacket around the both of us. Luckily TJ shows up so Amber can't see my red face.

"Yo." He greets the small crowd, so far we are only missing Marty and Buffy, Walker and Jonah are on the curb talking and drinking from steaming cups.

"Wait we're here!" Somebody shouts breathlessly. Marty and Buffy walk up, holding hands and smiling like idiots. Amber queals and TJ does a double take. "You finally got together?" I ask them, since I am the only person not losing their mind over this. They both nod, cheeks splashed with pink, but not from the chill in the air.

Buffy straightens out her wrinkled shirt. "Where is Cyrus?" She asks, "he should be here by now."

"We know!" Everyone else responds, groaning.

I hear Amber's phone start ringing in her pocket, she takes it out, only to immediately press ignore. I give her a strange look, "Hey wasn't that Monika?" I ask, not wanting to sound to hopeful.

Amber nods and sighs, "She uh, didn't think this would be the best idea, this trip... We had a big fight.... and now I don't even know if we're still dating." Her eyes begin to go a little watery. I hug her and the jacket falls on the ground.

"Amber it's probably for the best." I say to her, again not wanting to force her to any decisions, whatever Amber wants to do is her choice. She sniffs and picks the jacket back up, moving even closer to me. "You might be right Bambi."

Our faces are nose to nose when we hear the sound of Cyrus approaching the curb. Pulling apart quickly we all grab our bags. I fully take in what I am looking at; Cyrus wasn't kidding when he said the ride was a classic. It is a baby blue colour, with slightly rusty tires and stinks of exhausts, you can see the years worn into the chipped pain and faded stickers.

The back door opens and everyone starts putting their bags in and jumps in the van. Cyrus is at the front wheel, singing along to some female pop singer, he then notices us staring, specifically a particular Kippen, and blushes.

"Hey guys!" He greets us, clearly full of sugar. I wouldn't be surprised, Mrs Goodman makes the best cookies.

Everyone sits down, Wonah in the back and since there isn't a full crowd, everyone basically gets their own row with a partner, TJ and Amber could have sit next to each other, but as soon as we enter the heater van TJ yells "Shot-Gun!" And plops himself, smiling brightly, right next to flustered Cyrus.

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