Chapter 13

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"I feel like you're mad at me." Amber says with small eyes. I can't help but look away.

"You think I'm mad at you? Jesus Amber! I could never be mad at you!" My voice is already raised, I lower it, but only a little, if my voice goes any smaller I'll just set my whole heart out on the table, for her to throw away.

"Then why have you been avoiding me all day!?" Amber huffs, "Please tell me what I've done wrong Bambi!"

"That Amber, you've done that!" I start, "You smile at me like there is nothing else that makes we happier, and you flirt shamelessly, and just play with my emotions Amber, that is what you have done! Did it ever occur to you that I could have liked you? Probably not because look here's Monika and now you're together and now you're broken up and back to shameless flirting with me, just because you know you're gorgeous and can do whatever you want!"

Amber's eyes go liquid, "I didn't mean to, god Andi I'm sor-"

I turn away, because I know if I look at her I'll cry. "I don't want to hear it Amber, just stop messing with my head."

"You think I'm messing with your head? How about you get out of mine Andi!" Amber yells spinning me around. "You're so stupid." She says, and then she kisses me.

Holy crap.

Amber runs her fingers through my hair and around my waist, and I kiss her back, because I like her, I like her so freaking much it hurts. But she keeps kissing me, and soon we're a tangled mess of arms and lips. But I have to stop this, because I know how this game goes. I know exactly what she is thinking, and I know I'm not Monika.

"Amber stop." I say, and detach myself from the blonde goddess around me. "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" Amber asks, and now I'm wishing she wouldn't be like this. Because it makes everything feel so wrong and off-beat (Leah on the off beat reference haha)

"I'm not going to be your rebound Amber." I state, and Amber's face falls.

"You think I'm using you as a rebound?"

"Yes! Because that's exactly what girls like you do, you mess with me because you just broke up or are bored, but guess what Amber, as much as I like you, I won't fall for that pretty girl trick again." I get up to leave. Where are TJ and Cyrus?

"You think I'm just another one of those girls?! Are you serious right now? You're just going to lump me with a bunch of cheating blonde hair idiots just because you think I'm pretty and just got out of a possessive relationship?" Amber calls, but I keep walking.

"No don't walk away like that, Andi talk to me!" Amber follows.

"It's whatever Amber, we're friends." I say through gritted teeth. I keep walking until we find Cyrus and TJ, they're cuddling in the clearing and it makes me want to break down in tears, because they're so perfect.

"Oh hey, are we heading back?" TJ asks while playing with Cyrus's hair, and I turn my back, I'm ruining their perfect moment.

"Where is she going?" Cyrus says as I walk away. "Andi wait!"

But I can't wait. If I wait there will be Amber, and I can't deal with Amber, and her rebound act and her stupid beautiful face.

Soon I'm back at the camp, and I want to keep walking before I realize what happened to TJ the other night, so instead I go back into the tent and just pull out whatever I can from my bag and craft something.

I cross the craft material over one another until I have a steady rate going. When I'm finished I want to throw up. Because I've made a freaking charm bracelet. And it's pink.
My brain knew exactly who this was for.

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