Chapter 11

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TJ hasn't come back yet.

TJ hasn't come back and everyone is looking for him. We all have flashlights and and keep yelling "TJ?!" Out into the dark empty forest.

Everyone partnered except Cyrus, I don't know what is wrong with him right now but he has really shut the rest of us off.

After nearly an hour of searching and trying to call him in any way possible, everyone gathers around the camp fire. "Guys what are we going to do?" Andi frantically paces around the fire. Nobody tried to make her calm down, everyone is panicking. 

"I still don't understand what happened." Walker says from his curled up spot on a log, I move my body closer to him. "Neither do I." The others followed along with me, except Andi who bites her nails.

"Andi? Do you know something?" I ask her, she averts her eyes and stares at the ground. I stand up and make my way to her, brushing her bangs out of her face. "Andi this is serious, do you know something."

"I can't tell you that." Andi says pushing me away.

"Why? My brother is gone and you don't care!" I exclaim, throwing my hands out. Nobody else says anything. Andi turns around, her eyes burning.

"You think I don't care!? Amber I care so much!" She says, putting her hands on her face, but not crying, not yet. "Ask Cyrus, I don't know."

I turn around to bring Cyrus into this.

Cyrus isn't here.

"Guys? We have a problem."




I push the branches out of my face and keep running. "TJ?!" Through the dark Forrest my heart pounding out of my chest, the noises aren't real, the noises aren't real.

My heart beats faster, and faster as I run high and low in total darkness. Louder and Louder. I keep running. "TJ?!"

A tree root appears out of nowhere and down I fall, crumbling into a pile of flesh and bones, sticks and dirt get stuck everywhere and the rocks jab my necks and soft skin. Down, down, down. Finally I stop from what feels like miles from camp. Alone, tired, scratched and bruised and in the dark.

It's hopeless. Let me just lie down here, forever. But I can't, because I have to find TJ, I have to find him.

Saying the word "TJ" to myself over and over helps, brushing off the dirt helps. I can do this, I can do this. Tj, tj, tj. (God now I'm repeating my last fanfic, my bad)

So onward I trudge.

I come to a small spot in the forest, there is a clearing and the moon shines brightly onto the soft grass, illuminating that's what it is, as the moon kisses the land softly. There are even logs sitting there, resting down like tired men. This is a good spot to stop for a second.

So closing my eyes I tip my head back, just for a few minuets.

It's nice here, peaceful and quiet. Until the noise. That noise is definitely real.

"Hello?" I call out into the darkness. Then I hear a branch break, quickly as it happened a shadow appears, tall and very scary.I move backwards, shuffling as quickly as I can, louder and louder, my heart pounds.

"Cyrus?" The voice says, and that is all I can tell you because the next second I am swallowed by darkness.


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