Chapter 19

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Warning: Readers may begin to get tooth aches and sugar rushes from the fluff in this chapter.


I don't know when we actually went to sleep last night. Everyone wanted to do a movie marathon of cheesy romances and cheap budget cuts, so it had to have been way past my usual nine thirty sleep schedule.

I think maybe halfway through the forth one is when I started to drift off, something about this guy lying about himself to this girl and then they fight about it, then she realizes she likes him truly blah blah blah. It's like directors have no inspiration any more, when I write my first film I'll make sure the female characters get an actual good background and character arc, along with the right amount of representation for all of the LGBTQ+ community.

At some point during that time TJ, who had his arms wrapped around me while we sat on the floor (there was only one couch), whispered into my ear. "You tired Muffin?"

I tried not to say so, but then I yawned loudly and slowly nodded my head. "Just five more minuets, I have no idea how this movie is going to end." TJ laughed at that.

And it's those little moments like that when I think I love him the most because I know nobody can steal that away from me, it's like we have our own little cove of love in the beach of our relationship. And there is just something so wonderful about that.

The credits rolled and Jonah got up to put in the next one. He and Walker went down to the thrift store and found a bunch of CD's for only $2 and we have our night planned out.

"What time is it?" Somebody mumbles, and I think it's Buffy because Marty replies quickly after. "About one in the morning."

"Guys we should go to sleep, we have to drive nearly all day tomorrow and get up in like six hours." TJ said standing up, everyone mumbled and started to get ready and into bed.

TJ looked down at me, he takes my hand and hoisted me up. "But I want to watch more trashy straight romances." I tease, because I don't think my brain can think properly past ten pm.

"We'll watch more when we;re back at school Muffin, you need sleep." TJ said softly, and I found myself nodding my head to his low and soothing voice.

I climbed into the bed and wrap myself up in the blankets as everyone else does, TJ quickly changed into his PJ's (which really only consists of just the pants) and followed me. I leaned into him feeling the firmness of his chest on my back, liking the goosebumps it arouses on TJ's arms.

"Good night Teej, I love you." I whispered softly, like it's only for his ears, which it is.

I could feel TJ smile, "Good night Muffin, I love you too." And that was that.

Until about what felt like three seconds later when the alarm went off.

I think the entire group just collectively groaned, but nobody wanted to get up to turn it off. After about two minuets of "no you get it/but it's/you're so warm" arguments, TJ pulls away from me and literally rolls off the bed and onto the floor.

"Jesus you guys are lazy." TJ sighs as he switches the clock off. Everyone after that starts to finally get ready, but in the same sense of rolling out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Since when did you have abs?" Andi comments at TJ pointing to his well shaped stomach, TJ shrugs, "since always, I like to impress people." He winks.

"Back off Andi he's mine." I say, pulling the covers over me and and walking over to my boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"So the beauty arises." TJ comments, Andi snickers.

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