Chapter 24

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I hang the final orange decoration and twinkly lights onto the roof of Amber's room, since seniors get bigger dorms we decided that having the party in here would be better. Behind me Andi and Amber rush in with flushed faces and start helping as well. They mumble, "sorry." as they go.

"That looks great Muffin," TJ comes up behind me and comments, I'm standing on a step stool so I can reach the roof, so turning around to see TJ below me is a weird sight.

"Thanks darling, want to help me down?" I smile, TJ slides his hand underneath my legs and his other one around my back and bridal stance carries me down, before he does let me touch the ground though, I'm swung around in circles enough times to make me dizzy on giggling.

"T-tee-jaa-ay!" I yell in fits of giggles, and he finally stops. "Whoops sorry Cyrus," But he hasn't let me get out of the tangle of arms and legs yet. So I kiss him and I feel his arms go weak.

"You know my weaknesses to well," TJ says as my feet drop to the ground.

"Too bad you'll never know mine," I tease.

"Is that a challenge?" My boyfriend grins and nuzzles my neck sending shivers up my arms, when his lips connect to mine I know I am too in love with him. My face heats up, "T not here," I complain.

TJ resurfaces and points to the room, Amber and Iris's beds are back in our rooms (that took a while) so we have room for a table covered in pumpkin and chocolate themed snacks, an apple bobbing, spooky themed music is playing on a nearly empty dance floor, since Andi and Amber are spinning with glee.

"Nobody is even doing anything right now muffin, just one more kiss, please?" TJ gives me the puppy eyes but I don't satisfy him, I drag his hand onto the dance floor and start swaying to the beat of Jump in Line.

TJ pauses for a moment, "how is this a Halloween song?"

I spin my hips and jump, "because Lydia dances to it at the end of Beetlejuice. It's iconic."

TJ is to focused on watching me to really join in, "Never seen that movie," Then he wraps his arms around my waist and we both move in sync.

"I'll have to show it sometime, it is a bit scary though." I say quietly. TJ kisses the top of my hair, "Don't worry Muffin I'll protect you, why do you like it so much if it's scary for you?"

I think about this for a second then expand my arms into the air, "because Lydia flies in the end!" And I catch TJ just looking at me with total awe on his face, I blush in return, "What is it?"

TJ sighs and cups my face, "You are just so beautiful Cyrus. I love you so much." Then his lips connect with mine like they have so many times before, but this time I feel like I am truly flying.



The party starts soon after and about an hour of dancing I finally decide to stop for some punch. I leave the dance floor and head over to where Andi is over there chatting to Walker about art. "You're finally going to show it?" Walker smiles and nods his head. I grab my cup and take a sip, "show what?"

Walker puts his hands in his pockets, "I uh finally finished my latest piece, I was thinking of showing it to you guys now, only if you want of course."

I smile at him, "yes! You should totally show us!" Then I grab a fork and make dinging noises on it, although it is plastic to it takes a little while; everyone turns their heads.

I take in the actual event, I see TJ first, obviously, I have a habit of just staring at him and forgetting how to breath or that I am in a room with other people, he grins at me and winks, his hands still enclosed with Amber's as they were dancing together. Jonah is in the back talking to Iris, who invited Libby and I have to say they get along really well with everyone. I catch Veronica in the back, her hand gripping a head cup, I guess it's been a while since she's been to a party. She smiles small-like at me, and I feel at ease with our friendship.

This is truly beautiful.

Right back to reality, "Guys, girls and non-binary pals, I would like to present to you, Walker's art project thingy!" I gesture to the darker boy who suddenly appeared with a giant canvas.

"I call it More Than Survive." Then he removes the sheet covering it and everyone gasps.

Because it's us, and yeah I knew that's what it was going to be but still it catches me off guard how beautiful it is; First I spot Walker and Jonah in the center of it, cuddling all picture perfect like, behind them is them walking hand in hand, and on the other side is them kissing while leaves, orange and brown, flutter down. Then there is Andi and Amber wearing flower crowns, Amber dancing, the tents and Van, Buffy and Marty with Marty yelling bear in speech text. And Finally me and TJ, and I have to look away because, yeah, Walker did a really good job.

It's me and TJ on the log from a million years ago, except it's us twice, the first one is of us touching ever so slightly at the knees, our faces shaded light orange/pink to show blushing, and then us cuddling, with no space in between.

I don't notice TJ until he slides his arms around me and pulls me closer suddenly. "Muffin you okay? You're crying." He brushes his thumb across my face to show a tear.

"Oh yeah," I breathe, "I guess I am, it's just so gorgeous, beautiful." Then I turn to face him and connect our foreheads, "like you."

"I love you." TJ says.

"I love you too." I look to Walker, who is currently being consumed by one of Jonah's hugs, everyone is actually either dancing or kissing their loved one. "Look at this TJ, look at what this has become, it's.. it's more than beautiful I know that."

TJ smiles the smile that I know and love, "It's totally and utterly magnificent to the point that I can't believe that it is real. How are you so real?"

"Tumblr again? Damn I am rubbing off on you too much," I hook my arms around his neck and we sway our way to the dance floor.

"I don't mind, it means that I am turning into the best person on the planet, no, more like into an angel." TJ leans into me and in a deep vulnerable voice he says, "you know I am going to lose my mind if I don't kiss you right now."

"Well then let's not disappoint it." I whisper and watch him blush.

"You're going to be the death of me Goodman." Then he drags me needingly across the room into the smaller room attached to the party.



Just before we take down the final string of décor, Andi hands me a black booklet. "Your new journal Mr Goodman, complete with rainbow interior and a lock so nobody can ever steal it again."

Yeah I really love my friends.

We say out goodnight's when everyone heads out of the dorm, and I am so tired (it's past midnight) that TJ carries me all the way back to our room.

There is a certain thing that changes within people when they meet the love of their life. And I don't mean that in a romantic way, parents, friends, anyone that really speaks to you and understands.

Of course TJ is that person for me, but it really can be anyone.

"Mmmm this is better." TJ mumbles as we climb into our bed. TJ spoons me softly, and I run my hands over his.

I'm nearly asleep but I softy say, "didn't you like the party?"

"Yeah but, I like you better." TJ nuzzles my neck, "can we be like this forever?"

"Of course my love, didn't you like my dancing though?" I swayed slightly. I can feel TJ bush, "well that I maybe like as much as you, but then again I don't like you, I love you sooo."

I laugh lightly. "Goodnight darling."

"Goodnight Muffin."

And honestly maybe that special person will really help you along, and there is no such thing as not finding them, just you wait.

I love you too.

More Than Survive; Tyrus/AmbiWhere stories live. Discover now