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If you look at it the right way you can really see how much a person grows over a short time. Because now there still is a girl getting yelled at in a paint store, but it's Andi just exclaiming how much she loves her girlfriend.

There is tough TJ Kippen who won't answer to anyone and it is a bully, except to his boyfriend Cyrus, who everyone knows can calm him down by just touching his hand. Who is at every game and always willing to help any other kid who just needs to talk.

There is Amber now who has a job and a good future, clear out of the way from her parents.

And there is always the Spoon, where we see Veronica every other weekend and we share milkshakes, but not Muffin, the muffins are mine.

I've been sitting here for a while trying to think about what to say right here on this page. But then TJ came up behind me after basketball practice and started massaging my shoulders.

"You look adorable when you are focused." He said and kissed my cheek, "You still up for tonight?" I nodded and then he headed out to go meet his team for after workout smoothies, Amber's treat.

And when that happened, something just clicked, because I realize that this journal is no longer just for me, so instead I'm doing something a little different, we'll see how it goes.

-Cyrus Goodman

So Cyrus left his journal at the Spoon today, I don't know if it was on purpose or not but I saw his note and decided to add my own, to the person reading this next, you are not alone. I thought that I was going to be dead on the streets or something after this year, it was like a dreadful countdown, every second hurt and I told nobody.

But then, then I found her, and she made life so much easier.

Those people that Cyrus was talking about exists, you have the ability to be one of them, so whoever you are, no matter what your race, gender, sexuality or religion is. You matter.

Just take a moment to appreciate how special you really are.

I already love you.

-Amber Kippen

Awe thanks Amber, I love you too.

She's right you know, but not just about that. Jeeze I don't know how to explain it, but there is something about writing this down that already makes me feel better. I know the world is beautiful and this will last as long as it possibly can,

Take time for yourself, take time for your loved ones.

And just, follow whatever fire is in your heart, it will light the way I promise.

I'll see you tomorrow at the Spoon.

-Andi Mack

Wow, talk about stepping up, I don't know how to follow after those works of art.

It probably sounds like a broken record at this point, but life is worth living so much. Now I'm not going to go into deep facts or truth or quotes because I'll leave that to the other people, this journal is going for a trip I can see that.

Cyrus once told me something while we were camping, the reason I hadn't said anything about it before is because I wanted to keep that moment for just us, like the quiet moments in our bedroom where the moonlight shines on his skin and I can feel his heart beating, sorry I'm getting side-tracked.

Anyway he said, "My whole life nobody has ever known me, I've never shared secrets, now the entire world is figuring me out quicker than I am ." I think that deserves to be in here because yeah, sometimes it does feel like that.

But those people who are figuring you out just want to know you.

They just want to see how much you shine.

Fun fact, (Cyrus also told me this, he's so smart *heart eyes*) There is a one out of 4 billion chance of you being born. 4 BILLION.

So next time you think that you're not special, think of all the people before you that have lied and gotten their heart broken, loved, gotten married, made choices for YOU to be here.

One of a kind.

Anyway I've gotta go, I promised Cy a date night, (we're going somewhere after the spoon, maybe a midnight stroll)

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it with the promise ring that is in my pocket.

God I hope he likes it. I really love him.

Anyway, I'll see you sometime again One of a kind. I promise.


-Thelonious Jagger Kippen

A/N That, *inhales* that's it.

Oh my god, that's it. That's the end of the story, we did it! Thank you so much for reading this much, I love this story so much and I am so happy I get to share it with you, holy crap sunflower, thank you.

Thank you,

I'll see you tomorrow at the spoon okay? Don't be late.


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