Chapter 12

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A/N Yes I'm alive, now onward with the amazing-ness

(P.S thanks for nearly 600 reads <3)


"GUYS! I found them!" Buffy calls from deeper into the forest, we've been up nearly all night trying to find TJ and Cyrus, I of all people have been the most worried about them, TJ really wasn't in the best place when that question came up.

I follow Buffy's voice around a few trees, along with Marty. Amber, Walker and Jonah went the other way, I send them a quick text to tell Wonah we finally found them.

Buffy is standing around a little clearing in the woods, it's actually really pretty, although the forest does look a lot less scary during the day, I've been collecting leaves for both me and Walker so we can keep an art project to always hold this trip in our memories.

Buffy gasps and I don't know why until I see it; TJ and Cyrus are collapsed in each others arms, using a log as support. Cyrus whimpers a little and then snuggles closer to TJ and smiles. "Oh my god!" Buffy whispers, "you don't think...?"

I don't know what to say in this moment so instead I just step forward into the clearing, I guess the guys were lightly sleeping because TJ then opens his eyes, he looks shocked for a second before realizing it's just me, until you know, it isn't.

"Morning TJ." I say apologetically, but he smiles and rubs his eyes, there are scratches all over both of their faces, and twigs in their hair, but right now TJ looks happier than I have ever seen him.

I think I know why. But I don't say anything because I don't know if they're out.

TJ tries to sit up before remembering a sleeping Cyrus is on his lap, his smile getting wider. I can't help but grin back at him.

"TeeeJ, whaaat?" Cyrus grumbles as we starts to wake up as well, TJ chuckles and gets the sticks and twigs out of his hair, "Good morning muf-underdog, underdog." He corrects himself because he spots Buffy behind me.

"Oh yeah." Cyrus seems disappointed he untangles himself from TJ's arms, "thanks for coming to get me teej, and for you know.... protecting me."

"That's what....friends.. are for." TJ winces, I can't help but laugh, but Muffy seems to buy it.

It's silent for  a moment, until Buffy realizes again what happened to Cyrus. "TJ what the hell were you thinking?! You could have been killed, and dragging Cyrus into this! If you hurt him I swear to god you're dead Kippen!." Buffy starts to yell at TJ, he grimaces but nods.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but you have to understand if Cyrus got hurt, I would never ever forgive myself. You can punish me however you want Buffy." He nods, unfazed.

Buffy looks speechless for a second, which is fair considering nobody ever agrees with her yelling. "Well of course I'm not going to hurt you, just... Don't run away again just because you don't want to answer a question."

"Okay, now can we get out of here? I haven't eaten in a day." TJ mumbles, and Cyrus nods. They both get to their feet and reach for each others hands before letting them drop. Jesus Christ this is going to be hard for them.

Soon we're all eating bacon and eggs on paper plates in front of the no longer blazing fire. "So what should we do today now that we have found the missing links?" Walker asks.

Cyrus wipes his mouth with a napkin, "well I was thinking maybe we going swimming in the stream, then possibly just go on a trail or just hang out." He suggests, the others nod and now everyone is going back into the tents to get change.

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