Chapter 15

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I walk passed the lobby and into the elevator, earning a few Weird looks for my surly face. But at that moment I didn't care, because I'm picking up speed as I jog down the corridor.

Nobody is in the elevator as I swiftly enter and press the floor level.
My heart is hammering out of my chest and my thoughts swim with images of Amber. Because when I said we were friends in that argument those words felt like two bullets puncturing both of our hearts.

Because I know we are so far from friends.

I am at least.

The elevator dings and I step out on my floor, treading the fluffy carpet I run even faster until in the span of six seconds I'm at the door. I don't hesitate, I just open it.

"Andi?" Amber turns around and I barrel right into her.

"Oof." I nearly knock her delicate body over into the piles of clothes being stuffed into her suitcase. "What are you doing?" Amber's eyes widen.

I cup her hands in mine. "I am so sorry, I'm going to do this right." Then I kiss her lightly, waiting for her to pull away or push me off of her. But Amber's eyes close and she kisses me back. I can taste her flavor of lipstick as she pulls away. Strawberry.

Strawberry is now my favorite.

Amber doesn't move from my tight embrace, she just rests her head on my shoulder. I breathe in her perfume and we stay like this, perfectly, for exactly two seconds. That is before Amber sniffs and I realize what I'm actually doing. All of my bravery deflates like a balloon.

"Andi.." Amber breathes and she bites her thumb. "I'm so sorry, about everything, I should have never just settled with Monika, I like you Andi, I like you so much. But.."

I lower my head. "The but, here it comes."

Amber sighs. "But, everyone at school, and Monika an-and just what will people think. And all of that against how much I like you, god Andi I think I'm.."

"Yeah me too." I reply, and we stare at each other for a while. But she's right, of course she's right because Amber is smart, not dumb, not clueless. We should just take it slow, not start titles or dates, just be casual, wait until Monika is over her, until Amber's parents are fully out of the picture. For our own safety.

Amber turns away and wipes her eyes. "It's just, I hate this, I hate how I can't be with you right now. I hate what this has become, we could have been like literally everyone else on this trip!" I know what she means, we could have been making flower crowns and snuggling in the back of the van and being adorable.

I try and turn away, but it feels like something is pulling me towards her, because with Amber I can't be slow.

"We can't do that Amber."

"Yeah. No we can't." Amber laughs and tried to stifle it but fails miserably as I join in. We are ridiculous, and it makes me feel so much better. Amber then looks very serious with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know what we can do though."

I move closer towards her, "and what is that?" I tease smiling. Amber puts our heads together and kisses me, and it feel different every single time, because now it feels like I'm floating on air, or on a cloud, maybe stars? It's hard to tell, but Amber makes every single second of it enjoyable. I could get used to this.

"Oh my god Andi." Amber cups my face, "Holy crap I'm so happy." Hey eyes are liquid stars. Her hands are soft blankets, her lips are glistening pink soft angels wings resting on her perfect face.

I smile at her before kissing again. "Me too Amber." Then I look down at her wrists. "Wait I have something for you." I run over to my bag and start to dig through it. I couldn't throw it out when I made it. There is just those people that give off that effect.

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