Chapter 10

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"Veronica doesn't think I should hang out with you."

"Huh, yeah I'm fine Cy, I just, I won't be back until late."

"Bye Cyrus."

"Just my ex-girlfriend."

I can't sleep. If that isn't obvious it's because TJ Kippen is sleeping right next to me. Now I'm not somebody who likes to stare at others when they sleep, it can be one of their most vulnerable states of being. But my eyes are glued to him like he'll magically wake up and wrap his arms around me until I fall asleep to the soft sound of his voice.

But that never happens. Especially not to me, and especially not to TJ Kippen who is as straight as a pop-sickle stick, who still has Veronica.

As if on cue TJ starts talking. Not to me of course, but slowly murmuring things under his breath, not really distinct words either, just really soft humming actually. Vulnerable, soft, raw emotional humming and it's one of the best sounds I have ever heard in my life.

Slowly I begin to feel my eyelids drop, by before I do drift off into sleep TJ says something like "Verruss." And turns the other way, so much for sweet dreams.



Nobody closed the window last night, I guess that was my bad since I'm suppose to be in charge of everything, but as a morning person I am greatly upset at the sun for once.

Enjoy sleeping peacefully other people, Now I have nothing better to do then get up.

So I slowly climb out of bed, careful not to wake everyone up, but the mattress creaks ever so slightly under my moving body weight.

Please don't wake up anyone, please don't wake up anyone, please do-

"Whaa-Cyrus?" I here a gravelly morning voice whisper to me; TJ has one arm over his eyes to block out the light while the other is trying to take the covers off his part of the bed. Which must be hard Kippen considering you stole all of the sheets last night. I mean I let you because I like you but...

"I'm sorry." I ramble/whisper back. TJ laughs hoarsely and combs his head through his hair. Not that it needs any work; his eyes are already shining like a kid on Christmas and his lack of shirt (because he's that type of person) leaves me staring at his formed abs, slightly glowing in the morning sun. Sorry I'm getting side tracked.

"No it's fine, I'm pretty much a morning person anyway." When I look at him with a quizzical look he continues. "Yeah I know, not what you expect from me to get up early, but you have to build these at some time in the day." He points to his arms and stomach and smiles, "besides Underdog, I'm full of surprises." He winks at me and I have to actually look away from his blinding beauty. His surprise couldn't mean...

No that's stupid Cyrus.

"Anyway, it's six, so the town should be waking up as well." TJ says, shuffling off the bed and putting a shirt on, he beckons for me to follow him out the door. We slowly stumble out way through the sea of bags and two sleeping people.

"TJ look." I point out, grabbing his shirt and making him stumble back, much closer to me then I anticipated, but at this point I have gotten used to the hammering heart and blushing. I point to Amber and Andi's bed, where the two of them have interlocked hands.

"That is so cute!" TJ nearly squeals, but then he clears his voice, cheeks red. "Shall we go Cy?"

I smile at him and take his hand and we escort ourselves out in the most ridiculous formal way possible. Of course we let our hands drop the second we are outside in the slightly warmer than Shady Side air. But I boy can dream.

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