Chapter 7

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(This was happening the same time as chapter 6, so Cyrus and TJ won't be in this chapter)


Wrong, wrong, wrong, oh definitely not this one! Why would I even by this in the first place? That isn't even my colour scheme!

"Ambs, I seriously think you are over thinking this." Iris says while texting somebody on her phone. "Just go with the one that is that blue or green jumpsuit thingy, that always-" She blows a small bubble with her gum, then pops it. "-That one always works."

I turn to face her with my back to the closest. "Okay A) It's a light lime colour, no-where close to blue and B) don't you think that's too flashy?" I pull the jumpsuit out of the closet, usually I would where it with a denim jacket with my hair down.

"Come on Ambs, don't you want to empress this Monika chick?" Iris asks, I nod. Iris takes the jumpsuit from me and grabs the jacket as well, with black shoes. "Then where this."

"Okay." I smile, because that's what best friends are for.

"Oh and Amber, don't get pressured into a relationship, if she isn't for you then don't date her." Iris says on the way out.

I don't get pressured into relationships, do I? Iris was just giving good advice.

After getting dressed I put on my lip-gloss and a light amount of make-up and head out the door. Monika thought we could just catch up at The Spoon after her shift, dinner would be on the house then, and since my parents never put a cent of worth into me, that would be best.

It is a short peaceful walk to where I'm heading, it's getting a little colder so leaves that are just the perfect colour of  brown, are falling in a type of serene way and the setting sun makes them glow as they fall. It's beautiful here. I don't know why but I want to show Andi this someday, I think she'll like it.

"Wow." Some-one says in front of me and I turn to see Monika wearing a simple blue dress and a blue bow in her strawberry blonde hair.

I smile and do a little twirl to get her to laugh. "Wow? What about you, you look amazing." I gush, Monika giggles again and we both head inside.

"How about we sit over there by the jukebox? Then we can choose whatever song we want." She suggests, my hand brushes over hers, but I don't want to take it, not yet.

"That's a great idea." I say to her and we make our way to the corner, not everyone can see us either, I wonder if she planned that.

As we sit down we start really easy conversations, talking about the things we'll do out of school; Monika has it all planned out, she tells me about going around the world, going on trails and writing books until she settles down with someone (no specific gender since she's pan). It sounds amazing to me.

"What about you Amber?" Monika then asks me.

"I don't really know, my parents never really cared about me, so I never got into anything after school, I don't love basic work to the point where I want a job, I can't cook because nobody ever taught me. I do feel like there is a part of me that wants to try dancing, it just feels right, but I don't have the money." While I tell her this Monika just sits there and listens.

"Wellll, there is something you could do to earn that money." Monika says with a grin. "You could work here with me, the pay is actually pretty good, and the bonus's also."

"Does the bonus include me spending time with you?" I ask her.

Monika blushes, "if you want, yes."

"Then I think I might take you up on that offer, but not yet, tonight I want to hang out with you." I say to her as we finish our meals.

Monika and I grab our stuff and head out into the night, there are a few shops filled with colorful clothes, books and even retro video games, I have a couple hours before curfew so we stop at nearly everyone of these.

"Ooh let's go look at this one." Monika points to a store with a rainbow flag dangling from a pole on the roof. I nod and smile, but this time I do take her hand, it doesn't fit perfectly but it feels nice, soft and comfortable. Monika blushes.

Inside the store there are tons of different pride flags, badges, books and posters. LGBTQIAP+ hero's were plastered around and a girl with purple hair is at the counter talking to two boys holding hands.

It's perfect.

"Here let me buy you something." Monika says pointed to badges, she grabs a lesbian flag one and a heart with the pan flag in it for herself.

I try and put it back. "Oh no you really don't have to do that." I laugh it off, but Monika grabs it again.

"No, If I'm going to go on amazing dates with you, I'm going to buy you these things that show who you really are." Monika looks at me with her bright emerald eyes. I can't say no. So we go and buy the pins along with a flag for my room. I don't stop thanking Monika.

"Amber, you don't owe me anything. Except maybe another date?" She wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh and grab her hand again, swinging as we keep walking.

After that we finish out date and she drops me back off at the school, but before she leaves, Monika kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later Amber." She waves.

What a night.

A/N Hello beautiful people! I am alive, just very busy, but I'm working on it. A short chapter? A little.

I promise you Mamber or Amonika won't last long (or will it?) 

Question for the story since I love you guys giving chapter ideas: What do you think Veronica will do next to TJ? Will they go out? Will she murder him? We don't know.

You look really beautiful today.

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