Chapter 3

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(Hi really quick, I took a minor risk and reference in this chapter and not all of you will like it or get it, but just wait and see)


He's too cute.

I might be dying.

I try to write something useful in my journal. Usually this would work, it always works.

But you're different.

I don't know why, I can't explain it.

Why does this happen to me?

Yeah, it's not working.

Instead I open my laptop for the billionth time and try to loose myself on terrible poems from tumblr. School starts tomorrow, I don't think I'm ready to re-introduce myself again. After every time got hurt. I click another post about rain before slamming my laptop. Feeling restless.

Walker and Jonah have gone out and Buffy is at her first basketball training session. Andi might be around though. I shuffle out of my bed and put some sneakers on. Making sure I locked the door before I exit I open my texts.

Cyrus: are you in your dorm? I need company

Andi: yeah of course Cy, actually me and Amber were planning on going out, you can come too though.

Cyrus: are you sure? I don't want to cramp you and Amber

Andi: No I NEED you there, you have to help me

Cyrus: Okay I'll be there in 2

I put my phone back in my pocket and started walking down the corridor, when I hear something. A really beautiful repeating pattern of piano is coming from next door. I actually stop and walk backwards and put my ear against the door.

Then somebody starts singing and I'm completely gone. It's so beautiful, my heart beats to the sound of the singer even though I've never heard this song before.

"But he kept it all inside his head, what he saw he left unsaid. If I could tell her, tell her everything I see. If I could tell her, how she's everything to me. But we're a million worlds apart, and I don't know how I would even start-"

Then the player stops. It takes me a second to realize it's because my phones ringing. Crap. I push the mute button of my ancient brick of a phone until it shuts up.

I quickly run back to my door where I stand there until the singer continues. But instead they open their door.

"Hello?" TJ calls out to the nearly empty hallway. He looks around, don't notice me, don't notice me.

"Cyrus? Were you just-"

I shake my head rapidly. "Listening to you, I don't know what you're talking about, I heard something though, it was bea- I mean it sounded great was that you? Because if so you're amazing at singing but I swear I wasn't listening." I ramble. TJ smiles. "Yeah my mom taught me piano before-." He stops and clears his throat. "Anyway, where are you heading?"

"Oh, Andi and Amber were going out and they asked me to join them. I'm sure you could come as well." I don't know how my mouth is doing this.

"That would be great, I would love too." TJ nods. And it's something about the way he says love that makes my stomach flip.

TJ locks his door and follows me to Andi's room. I try to ignore it, but his hand is really close to mine.


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