Chapter 18

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Cyrus's mouth flies open, I can't blame him, with the set up that I have; roses trialing all the way out over the roof's balcony like edge in a pathway, leading out into the city and to the world. It's so nice up here that I knew I had to take Cyrus here as soon as I saw it. I told Amber and Andi about my plan, Amber later said I stole her idea, I said like everything else we should share.

I have their texts of supporting me on this in my pocket, my entire speech outlined and everything.

But as soon as Cyrus looks at me again it all falls away, because Cyrus is right there in front of me with his raven hair perfectly swept and his eyes shinning and every time I look at him my heart's soft pattering swells larger and larger in my chest like my love for him. And he's just so beautiful.

My words get lodged in my throat, he is everything, Cyrus is worth traveling through thousands of deserts across hundreds of planets just to see him look at me, he is the reason I am alive, the reason that my life is complete.

Knowing that I have been thinking for way to long I bring myself back to reality.

"Wow." Is all I can manage.

Cyrus, who's hands are still covered over his mouth mumbles, "wow?"

I smile bashfully, "yeah, sorry you just... wow."

Because he truly is so much more than that, but words cannot describe Cyrus Goodman.

"You don't have to say sorry teej," Cyrus moves closer, but not too close because he's still waiting for an explanation.

"Oh yeah right," I nod and shake my head out of my daze, I have to focus. "I wanted to tell you something." It comes out much more blunt than I imagined in my head, but Cyrus becomes more intrigued.

I take his hand and lead him to the end of the building, using my free hand I point out at the buildings, "remember when I just said how much I like you in distance?" Cyrus nods, not knowing where I was going with this.

I turn to face him. "I was lying about that." And I watch his face fall, but I slide my other hand through his and squeeze it tight.

"Cyrus, I can't tell you how much I like you in measurement, it would be so small compared to the infinite distance that my heart really feels for you." Deep breath, "Because Cyrus Goodman, I love you."

It's three words, but it feels so, so much bigger than that.

I watch Cyrus's face for any signs of, of anything really, because I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I mean love is like holding your heart out and handing it to somebody, they can do anything they want, crush it, stab it, ignore it. Unless, unless there is the tiny chance they also put their heart on the line, and they grow together in harmony.

Finally Cyrus speaks, "you love me?" he asks, I swallow and nod, Cyrus removes his hands from mine and cups my face. "You love me? TJ Kippen loves me? Oh my god," Then he pauses because the clouds above us begin to rumble with the promise of rain.

"I love you Cyrus Goodman, and I know it sounds crazy but-" I get cut off by Cyrus.

"TJ, I love you too." Cyrus states formally, then he cracks a smile and I mirror him, and for just a second we are just too helpless boys standing on a roof, in love with each other.

Then it begins to rain.

Cyrus spins around and laughs, he reaches his palms out as if to catch the beads of water falling from the sky, then he turns back to me. "Where were we again?" He asks.

I take my hand and hold his head, "It's the part where I do this."

Then I kiss him as the rain begins to fall from the clouds, dripping down our backs. But I couldn't care less, Cyrus kisses back with as much force as mine and I taste the rain drops on his lips, my hands run through his damp hair as Cyrus pulls me closer, running his own hands over my back. And it's like everything is perfectly in line, because there is Cyrus who is now tracing my face with his soft touch as my kiss travels around his face, to his nose and forehead, and then back to the comfort and bliss of his mouth, which greets me lovingly.

The rain begins to fall even harder now, and it's thundering eventually pulls us apart, covering my head with my arm I look down at Cyrus.

"You are so beautiful." I say, and I pull him even closer to me.

"I love you." Cyrus replies back, then he says it over and over again, "I love you, I love you, I love you." And every time he does my heart feels like it grows closer and closer to his, I grab his hand and press it to my chest.

"You feel that? That's what your love does to me Cyrus, that's the power those three words have." I say, Cyrus blushes, although it is hard to tell from the water on his face. He moves in to kiss me and I don't hesitate to respond.

Because I love Cyrus, and he loves me.



"Woah what happened to you guys?" Buffy asks as we walk back into the hotel room, hand in hand, dripping water all over the carpet from being outside.

"We just went for a walk." Cyrus shrugs and then looks at me, grinning widely, I bashfully smile back at him. Cyrus grips my hand even tighter and I use my thumb to trace over the droplets that still remain on it, enjoying the blush that rises on both of our cheeks.

"Get a room you guys." Andi teases, Cyrus rapidly fires back, "believe me, if we could we would." Then he kisses my cheek innocently and goes to change clothes. I stand there surprised at his comment as my hand touches where Cyrus's lips just were.

"Looks like some people are in love." Amber comments, and everyone else snickers.

"Yeah," I respond, even though I am so much further away from this hotel right now, "Looks like we are."

And I continue sitting through our average evening, and everything just slides back into place.

But I do know that my heart can't wait for Cyrus Goodman to say he loves me again.

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