Chapter 22

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I wake up to an empty bed and no TJ.

My thoughts start to swell up and I begin to panic before I notice a red, fancy letter card, on TJ's side of the mattress. I pick it up and already know exactly what it says before I finish reading the first line.

Good morning Muffin, I promise I held you for as long as I possibly could but duty calls for a not-so-special boyfriend. I though since your head is really not in the right place how about one of your favorite break fast choices. I love you, enjoy. (psst, open the draw :)) -<3

I put the letter down gently, my heart now filled with love and go to open the bedside-table cabinet. Inside is a smaller red card and a plate of chocolate chip muffins, all having red icing in the shape of a heart. My smile gets even wider as I grab one and take a bite, reading the smaller card in my other hand.

My Muffin is so much better than yours.

So much to the point it can't even comprehend on the same level because my Muffin can smile at me when he wants my heart to set ablaze, he can touch me at the ever so slightest and I now no longer have control of my brain. I will bet you a million dollars that your Muffin doesn't say they love you every night before you drift off in their arms. And I feel sorry for you, because I don't know how you can survive without that.

At this point I cannot get more in love with TJ Kippen, but I turn the card over to see it telling me to go get ready for it's next amazing poem. Beaming, I get dressed and head to my first class.

My heart pinches tightly when I realize I left some of my books at my locker, my bloody, graffiti locker.

When I arrive to it, after hearing many comments about my smile, (this is before the locker realization) My fingers are shaking as I turn the combination lock. But when it opens, the words in red pen are gone, the bloody looking journal is gone (I couldn't bring myself to burn it) and instead lie my text books all neatly, and an orange card.

Hey Handsome. I figured it was time for some spring cleaning, don't worry, the journal is fine, just maybe a little red for a while.. I told you I would take care of it, Remember who you are, and you know you are so much better than what those jerks say about you. I love you, there should be a little birdie dropping  a yellow letter soon. -<3

Any doubts I had in my mind were now completely gone, instead my heart longed to see TJ Kippen, but I knew that would ruin the adventure, so I picked up my books and headed into class. As soon as I sat down I heard Andi whistle behind me and throw a paper airplane at my head.  It sticks in my dark hair, when I go to grab it I turn around and Andi winks at me.

Blushing I unfold the butter colored page.

Interesting that there are a few people absent today aren't there? Reed, you know you shouldn't skip class.

No in all seriousness, Cyrus I'm sorry I didn't believe you at the time, but later when I talked to Veronica (don't worry, it was purely business, I would have told you if I could) she had all the evidence needed to get him expelled, unfortunately some of his buddies are still around. I'll take care of it, promise. I love you.

Now how am I suppose to concentrate in class with that letter burning a hole through my pocket? Sorry English, I'll listen to the laws of grammar at a later time.



At lunch I keep half expecting a green letter to suddenly appear, but it doesn't. Then again, nobody except Andi has seen TJ all day either, so my heart remains empty all the way through it takes for me to eat my non-boyfriend cooked food.

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