Chapter 14

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"I have good news and bad news." Cyrus starts, everyone turns their heads to look at him, but Cyrus seems unfazed. Nothing really bad could have happened, the worst thing would be us going home.

"The bad news is that the other camp ground we were leaving for was attacked." Cyrus states and everyone immediately jumps to conclusions. "No, not by people dummies, by... bears." Cyrus sighs, and I can't help but giggle as I catch his eyes.

"Wait so what's the good news? And where will we be staying if we can't go there?" Andi asks.

"That, my good friend is the good news," Cyrus's eyes light up, "We will now be staying in the Rocky Mountain Hotel of amazing-ness!"

Now everyone is excited. "You mean the one with the giant pool with slides and running track?" Buffy asks and Cyrus nods. "The four star hotel with the spa and huge rooms cy? How did you even get that?"

"My Mom had a convention there one time and she met a lot of new clients who thought she was so good they offered her a stay any time. Well this is time." Cyrus beams and sits back down on the log. "We will need to leave pretty early though, check in is a eleven and it's a two hour drive. Eight thirty should be a safe bet."

The group nods and soon the marshmallows are finished and everyone has become sleepy but full of excitement for tomorrow. Slowly people start to dwindle off into the tents. Jonah goes and gets his guitar and starts plucking a melody on the strings.

The fire is dying down by the time it is just us, Amber and Jonah. Oh my god I said us, like as a couple. Which is what we are and now I want to hold Cyrus's hand so badly.

But I can't, because I don't feel brave in this moment. I guess just the thought of being out scares me after all of the pain I've seen Amber go through.

"Hey you know what would be funny." Jonah strums while talking and I think it's an Ed Sheeran song. "Like if Cyrus's trip got everyone together, I mean that was your secret plan wasn't it Cyguy?" I look over to my left to see Cyrus's expression, which at the moment is flustered.

"Like wouldn't that be doucheous magocious (I forgot how to spell it!)?" He asks and we all give a half-hearted laugh. "Jonah you are ridiculous." I hear myself saying and Jonah grins. Sometimes I forget how clever he can be. 

I see Amber yawn and her eyes begin to droop. "Ambs you should go to bed." I say to her but she shakes her head. "I want Andi to fall asleep first." She says with sad eyes.

"You're not going to tell us what happened?" Cyrus says slowly and I can tell he's tired as well. Amber doesn't reply.

"You know you could just bunk in our tent, or one of us could swap out." I say, even though that would mean me seeing less of Cyrus, which is the worst thing in the world. I would do anything for Amber.

"No I don't want to ruin your friendship flow guys, you're like super close." Amber yawns again and my heart pangs. My own sister doesn't even know.

"Well I'm going to go to sleep," Jonah stands up and leaves, this seems like a sign to tell Amber, it it was before she follows him over. Which leaves just me and Cyrus.

"I think the hotel will be amazing Muffin." I snuggle up closer to him and he sighs. "Well yeah, any place will be amazing if you're in it." Cyrus replies tiredly, but he knows what he said and I can hear his smile.

We sit there in each others arms for much longer than we should considering that we have to pack up tomorrow really early, but if I could stay like this forever, it would be perfect Universe.

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