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I stood in the hallway, my back to my locker, texting Amber. We want to have a party in a few weeks, to make a good impression on everyone, but we can't decide on a theme, Amber says under the sea. I told her we're not hosting prom.

My classes are actually pretty nice. Our teachers are okay and cool, actually my math teacher even said she understands my dyscalculia and will take it easy on me.

I haven't spoken to my parents since I arrived, and I'm fine with that. They probably are too busy with their stupid adult parties to care about their own children. We are just like every other family, you know, the kind where the parents are abusing and hate both their kids, drinking every night, shipping them off to boarding school type of parents.

A normal family.

My phone pings and I see I have a new text from Veronica, the girl we met at The Spoon the other day. I asked for her number, she's nice, pretty, cute but I don't know if I like her. But Veronica's smart, she wouldn't think I'm leading her on.

Actually Veronica looks and acts a lot like Cyrus. Weird.

Veronica: Hey, how was school?

TJ: Fine, how was yours?

Veronica: Some people were rude but it was fine

Veronica: Hey do you want to hang out later? Maybe tomorrow? Like by ourselves?

My Thumb hovers over my reply, for some reason I don't feel like going out.

TJ: Sorry I'm booked this week, but I'll let you know when I'm free

Veronica: Don't worry about it, it was stupid.

Veronica: I'll see you around TJ

TJ: Bye

Great, now she's angry at me. Although I don't feel as saddened about making her upset as I should.

I start thinking about this when I here a somebody crash into a locker. I run over to see who it was. The first day of school and there is already a fight.

But the chaos ends almost immediately. I see a dark haired boy run into the bathroom before I can catch his face. The bully has disappeared in the crowd.

"Hey TJ," A voice says behind me, I turn to see Reed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. Except one of his hands are red, like he's hit something.

"Oh hi." I reply distantly, Reed hasn't even spoken to me once in days and suddenly he acts like he's one of my best friends. Then I realize I shouldn't brush him off like he did to me.

Reed looks behind him, then shakes his head. "Hey how was your classes?"
I ask him, but he's already zoned off in his Phone. "Fine I guess..." Reed mumbles, visibly texting. "Hey I gotta go do something but I'll see you around."

Before Reed is gone he also turns around (no not the look back way) He cracks a smile. "Make sure you check tumblr this afternoon." Then he walks away snickering.

Tumblr? I have almost never even seen the website, although Amber goes on it sometimes to see dance posts. I don't even know what it's about, although sometimes I hear girls (or guys) fan-girling over some post on it. It can't be that chaotic, can it?

I shake my head and start walking to my final class for the day. My eyes quickly flick to the tiny dent in the blue locker. I hope the person is okay.

Reed sometimes doesn't make any sense.


Cyrus P.O.V

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