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Forty three thousand eight hundred hours and four hundred fifty two minutes.

Jin smiles at the thought. Today is their anniversary, and he opted to surprise Taehyung. He never imagined that they would last this long. And everyday his love for that man only grows stronger and stronger. His heart never seems to stop. And he has no plans on stopping either.

They went through a lot together from admitting their feelings for each other which is a major struggle, because both of them felt that what they feel is strange, because this will be the first time they will be with a man. It took a lot of tears to suppress their feelings but it just took one night and a tequila for them to have the courage and admit to themselves that they like each other.

Fron then on, they started to be relaxed with the presence of each other and everyday they see themselves being immersed by the growing emotions inside of them. It didn't take them that long to make it official, and the response of the people around them is overwhelming. Both of them hadn't thought thay they will be accepted by their friends and families. And since that day until now Jin and Taehyung's relationship have become stronger.

He always treasure this day, because today, the exact same day that they became officially in a relationship, is the day he felt freedom that is why he always treasure this day and always makes sure that this day of the year will always be perfect.

His heart warms with the thoughts as he was looking back to the past and just like how he sworn to himself, he had planned for this day to become perfect for the both of them. And as he remembered the things he has to accomplish to execute his plans, he grabbed his notebook and checked his schedule. It's a good thing he has nothing to do today. Nothing that would make this day worst.

He called on the restaurant that they will go later to get a reservation. He is sure that Taehyung will like it. It's his favorite restaurant after all. After that he checked on his gift for Tae, as he was looking at the interlocking bracelet that he bought, he can't wait to finally give it to Taehyung and see his reaction hoping that he will like it.

Jin won't deny it he is really excited as hell for today. He can't even sleep last night because of this day.

As soon as he is calmed down and made sure that everything is all set he texted Taehyung.

To: Tae 🖤
TaeTae! Happy Anniversary. See you later 7pm let's meet at your favorite restaurant. Let's celebrate together. I love you.

After a few minutes Tae texted back and said

From: Tae🖤
'Sure. I love you too. Happy anniversary.'

And with that in mind. He continued to prepare for their celebration, and hadn't noticed that he fell asleep.


5:06 pm

Jin looked at his watch and his eyes widened. He just woke up and he can't be late! He knows how much time it takes for him to prepare himself whenever he was going somewhere. And Tae is not the type to be late when they agreed to meet up.

He was panicking and he quickly went to the shower and prepare himself for their date.

6:25 pm


35 minutes left. Jin wished that he can make it at exactly 7pm. He quickly rushed out of his apartment with the gift he bought for Taehyung in his hand.

7:05 pm

He arrived at the restaurant. Good thing that Taehyung is still not there.

'Not bad'

Jin thought to himself. It's still early. He will just wait for Taehyung he knew for sure that the guy will come in less than a few minutes.

8:00 pm

He is starting to worry. Taehyung usually is never late. He is always on time. Not unless something important came up.

'What happened? Is he alright? Maybe he'll get here in a while. I'll just wait a little more.'

9:00 pm

The waiter had come to him several times to ask if he wanted something. Out of embarrassment, he got some dessert. But still, he doesn't eat it. He needs to wait for Taehyung. He knew he will come, when Tae said that he is coming he sure is coming. If something came up Taehyung always updated him. But now there is no sign of Taehyung.

He tried to call him and he kept on texting him asking if he was alright. But he is not picking up his phone nor answering his messages. He is worried sick for Taehyung.

But still, he decides to wait.

'Maybe Tae will still show up.'

10:00 pm

Thae restaurant closed and Taehyung hadn't shown up. He decided to leave. He is worried of what might have happened to Taehyung, he needs to know what's happening so he went to Tae's apartment. It's a 30-minute drive but he doesn't mind. His heart is pounding and he didn't know what to do. All he wants to know is if Taehyung is okay and he needs to see him to reassure himself.

He tried to call Taehyung while driving. Jin knew it's dangerous but he doesn't care of what's safe and not right now, what's important is Tae. He needs to make sure Tae is okay.

The moment he went to Taehyung's apartment his hopes went low. Tae was not there. He even texted Taehyung's friends and they all said that they haven't seen Taehyung since after work.

Jin is so worried. He went back to his car crying. Thinking of all the bad things that might have happened. He started calling Taehyung again, but still to no avail he is not answering his phone.

'Where is he?' he thought to himself.

He went home with a heavy heart. It's past midnight. As he lie on his bed, he stared at the ceiling and thought of Taehyung. He is worried. He picked up his phone again and tried to call Taehyung. His phone is now turned off.

Jin's emotions got the best of him. He cried his heart out that night and he did not know when and how he fell asleep. When he wake up next morning, he immediately checks his phone but still there is no sign of Taehyung.

"Where could you be Kim Taehyung?"

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