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Jin's POV

The call ended and we were left wondering who Helios is. As far as my memory can recall we don't have anyone named Helios to join the league.

"Tae, do you know who Helios is?"

"No, I've never heard of him. Maybe we should really call Yoongi to ask him."

Taehyung called Yoongi and after an hour Yoongi barged in the door with three more men with him. The men went straight to the dead body and do their job. These men are from the league, I see. But my attention went to Yoongi when he began ranting.

"I was also attacked. Can you imagine, I was peacefully sleeping, and then when I opened my eyes I saw a gun pointing directly at me! Good thing I woke up in time or else I'll be dead by now."

"Did you receive a message? I think they sent those men not to kill us, but to deliver the message."

I agree with Taehyung on this one. It would have been easier to just shoot at us and left us dead, but the man who attacked us was unarmed. And to think that Yoongi's opponent also wait for him to wake up, if you intended to kill someone you won't do that.

"Yes I did. The last words of that man was 'Helios will kill all of you.'".

Yoongi has always been good at tracking down people and this ability of him shall be used now.

"Yoongi, can you please find out who Helios is?"

"I will. But not tonight, your parents wanted me to report to the league about what happened. Maybe I'll do it when I get home as soon as possible."

He was about to leave with the men he brought along with him when suddenly ...

A memory of me and Yoongi flashed in my mind.


"What! You're married? Why didn't you tell me right away!? Who's the lucky one?"


"JIMIN? The one you told me about? Your fuck buddy? So you fell in love with him?"

" ..."

"Come on! Answer me! And please introduce me to him, okay? He must be a nice person too nice in fact, that he married you."

I jokingly told him. I'm happy for him.


I smiled to myself, I think I need to tease him on this one.

"So Yoongi, when will I finally meet your husband Jimin?"

He froze in place and it made me chuckle.

"Jinnie, Jimin is your doctor right? We've seen him days ago. What are you talking about?"

Clueless, Taehyung butted in on the conversation. I signed him to shut up for a while, which he gladly obeyed.

"Shut up Nix. I ain't talking about that!"

"But you promised me! That promise was six years long overdue!"

He didn't replied. He just walk out of the door leaving us behind.

"What do you mean by that Jin? Husband? Jimin? You're doctor Kim Jimin? Namjoon's brother Jimin?"

Taehyung looked like a baby while asking those questions. Knowing this man, he won't stop until he gets the answer he wanted.

"Yes. Yoongi married him six years ago."

"What? But they don't look like a couple!"

Which is true. If it wasn't for that memory I will not know that they were a thing before.

"I don't know. I'll wait till Yoongi tells me."

"But, how?"

"TaeTae, it's not my story to tell. Let's just wait what happens between those two."

His lips formed into a pout as he did not get his desired information. Really, this man is a gossiper!

"Fine! I won't ask again."

I arched my brow. Really, he's giving up now? So not like Taehyung.

"Taehyung, what do you want now? You don't give up easily. What's the catch?"

He smiled at me. That infamous boxy smile.

"Let's watch a movie, Jinnie. It's still early. I want to spend some time with you."

See! He's not even terrified about what happened earlier!

"Are you not afraid of what happened earlier? We got attacked. And all you want is watch a movie? Really?"

"Why would I be scared? If they wanted to kill us right at this moment they should have done it a while ago, when Yoongi was here too, you know? We are the three main targets here."

Well, he's got a point.

"Okay, then movie it is."

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