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It's been three days since Taehyung last called Jin. Jin understood that Taehyung is busy with what he is dealing with right now. So what Jin did on the past three days was focus in his work because one of his office mates has been on leave for the whole week and he is assigned to take over what Katie - her office mate/friend has left behind.

"Jin hyung! It's lunch break. Come let's eat! I'm hungryyy!"

He turned around to see his lovely friends Hoseok together with Yoongi. Hoseok used his cutesy face and ask him to eat with then.

"With you looking like that, how can I refuse?" Jin said with a smile on his face. Hoseok just giggles and jumps out of excitement. This friend of him acts like a kod sometimes but Jin doesn't mind. Hoseok or Hobi as he calls him is like his ray of sunshine.

"So when will Taehyung come back hyung?"

Yoongi spoke to him. Not looking towards his direction. Typical Yoongi.

"He said he will be coming back tomorrow."

Yoongi just nod in reply.

We went to the nearest restaurant and eat. We talked about what's going on with our respective departments and how tiring this day is. Today is Friday, the last day of our work so we tend to do a lot during these days so most of us are really tired. While during weekends it's our day off of work.

"You have plans on the weekend especially on Saturday night? Jin hyung? Yoongi hyung?"

"Nothing really, I'm just going to sleep. Why?" Yoongi immediately answered.

"How about you Jin hyung?"

"Actually, I was planning on going to Taehyung's place over the weekend. Why?"

"You really have no idea?"

"No" Yoongi and Jin said in unison.

"Are you even my friends? I have talked about this last week and then both of you already forgot?"

I can't really remember what he told me last week so I looked at Yoongi. It seems like Yoongi knew and he spoke.

"If my bed suddenly felt uncomfortable, then I would go to your birthday party. But mind you, my bed is never uncomfortable."

"Wow! Just wow! You are hurting my feelings."

Hobi said with a pout I laughed at him. And he just glared at me.

"I can't promise to come Hobi. I'm sorry. But I will try, really. If I could bring Tae with me, then I'll go to your party."

That put a little smile on Hobi's face.

"Then make Taehyung come okay? I want both of you to be there. You are my closest friends."

That phrase warmed my heart. Next to my family and Taehyung, Hobi and Yoongi are the nost important people for me. They knew me too well.

"But don't expect much from me. Okay?"

The lunch ended and we all got back to work. It's still the same tiring day for all of them. And all he wants was to rest.


Jin finally got home, and the first thing he did is to call Taehyung.

"Hi, TaeTae! How are you?"

"I'm good Jinnie, I missed you."

"I miss you too. So, when are you coming back?"

"I'll be back tomorrow morning maybe. Then I will rest."

"Can I go to your place TaeTae? Maybe about lunch. I really missed you I want to see you."

He heard Taehyung laughed a little.

"Of course! Cook for me please I missed your cooking."

"Okay. No problem. I'll hang up. You go and take a rest. Okay? Bye I love you."

"Bye Jinnie. I love you too."

After talking to Taehyung, Jin changed his clothes and went to sleep.


"I'm home Jinnie. Just use your key to my apartment in case I'm still asleep."

As Jin reads the text he can't help but smile to himself. Finally, he is going to see Taehyung again. He hurriedly prepared and went to the grocery to find something to cook for Taehyung. He intended to make it special to make up for the last time. He also planned to give Taehyung the interlocking bracelet that he bought. He felt giddy as he was heading to Taehyungs place. He heard his ohone buzzed and when he reads the message it was from Hobi.

From: Hobi
"Jin hyung my birthday won't be completed if you abd Yoongi hyung will not be there okay? Convince Taehyung please."

His friend is childish sometimes. He will respond later, he needs to know Taehyung's decision first.

Jin want up to Taehyung's apartment, and when he entered, he looked for Taehyung and found him on his bed Peacefully sleeping. He really missed him. He went to Taehyung and olanted a kiss on his lips. Careful enough not ti wake him up.

He started cooking for the both of them and it took him an hour to finish everything. And he was about to wake up Taehyung when he saw him behind him, smiling at him.

"How long have you been standing there?"

Jin walked towards Tae and give him a tight embrace. He looked at his boyfriend's face and kissed him.

The kiss was not rough, it's sweet and slow as if making up for the lost time they have not seen each other.

Taehyung pulled away and chuckled.

"As much as I love kissing you, I'm hungry and I really wanted to eat."

Jin laughed at Taehyung and they sat and eat together.


Jin and Tae was in the couch watching TV when Jin remembered Hobi.

"TaeTae, today is Hobi's birthday. He invited us to go to his place and celebrate with him. Will you go with me?"

Tae paused for a second to think. And he looked towards Jin.

"I'm sorry Jinnie. I'm too tired."

"It's okay Tae, I understand. I'll just tel Hobi that we can't come. I'm sure he'll understand."

"How about you go there just don't stay too late. Just show up and make Hobi happy."

"Really? Is it okay? You won't get mad?"

"Of course. I know Hobi will take care of you. He is also my friend after all."

Jin was happy and he hugged Taehyung.

"Oh wait, I brought my gift for you!"

Taehyung was shocked.


"Yes, it's our anniversary four days ago. I bought you a gift. Wait I'll get it."

When Jin returned he handed Taehyung a small box. And when he opened it, a small smile crept to his lips.

"Wow, Jinnie this is so beautiful. I just feel bad. I haven't gotten you anything."

"Silly. It's okay. Just you being here is enough."

"Thank you Jinnie."

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