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Jin did went to Hobi's place. And contrary to what he expected, the house was quiet and peaceful. He almost thought that he entered a wrong place.

"Why is it quiet here?"

"You really don't pay attention to me don't you Jin hyung? I told you that I was planning on having us over dinner to celebrate my birthday not to have a party full of people getting wasted."

Jin smiled shyly toward Hobi, maybe he was drifting away when Hobi said that to him. He felt bad.

"Sorry Hobi. And also Tae cannot come he said he is still tired."

"It's okay hyung! I'm just joking! Don't feel bad."

"Okay, if you say so. By the way, where is Yoongi? Is he coming?

"Yes. Yoongi hyung texted me saying his bed feel uncomfortable today so he decided to join us."

Jin knew that Yoongi really did want to come but he is not admitting that in front of him and Hobi, being the Tsundere that he is.

After an hour Yoongi came over. They teased him about his "uncomfortable" bed and he then just glared at them. It's only the three of them celebrating with Hobi, he said he wanted to celebrate it with the people he really loves other than his family, since his family is not with him.

Jin together with Yoongi felt that they made the right decision of coming. He just can't imagine the loneliness Hobi would feel if they didn't come. At 11pm both him and Yoongi decided to go home since it's almost midnight. They decided to take a walk since it's not that far away.

He sent a message to Taehyung telling that he is on his way home together with Yoongi. He did not get a response, maybe Tae is already sleeping. He put his phone back in his pocket when Yoongi spoke to him.



"Can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot! Ask me anything."

"How far can you go for Taehyung? To what extent hyung? How much do you love him?"

Jin was taken a back with that question. He never expected this to come from Yoongi. Why is he interested in such things? All of a sudden?

"Why? Why are you asking that? That is so sudden."

"I just wanted to know! Will you answer me or not?"

'Tsk typical Yoongi, always so hot headed' He looked at him and answered.

"Okay okay, fine. I'll answer you. I love Taehyung more than life itself. He has become the air that I breathe. Why? I don't even know myself. But all I know is that I have given him the privilege to ruin me and wreck me to pieces. He has that impact, Yoongi.

Every little thing he does, for me, it feels like magic. Every little thing just turns into something more, like it suddenly beacome so precious. I don't even know that this existed until I met him. Everytime I see him my heart would Burst with Joy. Even on our bad days, I just can't seem to hate him. For five years, never has he disappointed me.

I accepted his flaws and strengths. He became my everything and if love can be measured, I think mine will consume the Universe with the amount of love I feel towards him."

"That ... That was so intense hyung. I mean, I can't even put it to words. You really do love him. I see."

"Why do you ask Yoongi? Are you falling in love with someone?"

Jin looked at Yoongi whose facial expression was comical. He has his eyes widened and visible disgust is readable. He laughed at the sight till his stomach hurts.

"Stop laughing hyung! I'm not in love. I-I just! Nevermind!"

Jin stopped laughing although the memory of Yoongi's face is still etched in his mind, his curiosity is getting the most out of him.

"Then why? What's happening? It's strange for you to ask those questions. It's so not you!"

"Nothing I said. I just wanted to know how that feels. Now that I know. It's cringey I don't want that. Never!"

Yoongi turned away from him not meeting his eyes. He can tell Yoongi is nervous. The way his lips tremble, and how fast he talked.

He just kept his mouth shut and continued to walk on thier way home. If Yoongi wanted to tell him his secret the other will tell him eventually, he'll just wait for him to open up.

A few more minutes Jin is in front of his apartment building. He bid goodbye to Yoongi and thanked him for accompanying him.

Yoongi's POV

"Hyung, you are stupid sometimes."


Please remember each scene. Everything connects in the future. Some things are not quite as they seem. 🤭

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