49. LIAR

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Fun Facts: Do you know that characters can lie to you in their POV?

Flashbacks ...

It was when I was five years old.


I heard the doorbell rang, our family was in the kitchen that night and we are not expecting any visitors so I got really excited because my father always surprises us with my favorite food that he will order secretly and have it delivered in our doorstep.

"I think that was the pizza I ordered" Dad said.

I smiled so wide after hearing that and I got up of the chair and jumped up and down in front of them.

"Mom! I'm getting it! I'm getting it!!!"

But before my mom could nod the door broke and two people came in our house. I didn't understand what's happening because they quickly hid me before those people can come near us.

I took a quick glance at them, one was a man and the other was a woman. They were wearing bulletproof vests and has guns, multiple guns.

My mom and Dad carried me and they put me on the nook just on the edge of the kitchen and closed it signalling me to keep quiet.

"Mom, hide with me." I whispered to my mom.

"No, Woojin. Stay there and be quiet."

I tried hard to stay quiet and used my hands to close my mouth.

The door was slightly opened so I had a glimpse of what's happening outside.

"Jia! Minjoon!" The stranger called my parents who just stood in the kitchen and I saw them holding a gun.

The strangers went in the kitchen and they all pointed a gun at each other.

"What are you doing here!?" Dad asked.

"Where is my son!?"

"Son? We don't know a thing about your son. Why is the League always thinks that the Triad is behind the lost of that poor boy?! The boy was probably dead by now! You have your other son, stop whining!"

The strange woman quickly got closer to my mom and pointed the gun at her temple.

"Don't play games with me, I can kill your wife right in front of you! Now where's my son!"

"I don't know!" My mom shouted.

The woman fite her gun and shot my mom straight to the head. I instantly cried and sobbed. The image of her getting shot will remain in my head forever. I will never forget the look of the face of her killer.

Dad tried to fight and had also been shot like my mom.

When those people left, I quickly ran to my father.

"Dad! Dad!"

He coughed lots of blood but still managed to look at me.

"Woo ... jin"

"Dad ... Daddy! don't speak! I'll call the hospital."

He held my hand and stopped me.


"Why!?" I cried as I tried hard to get up, his blood is staining my shirt and my skin but I don't care I needed to save him.

He coughed really hard again clutching his chest.

"T-they ... Are D-Daeun and Sungjin Kim." His sentence was cut off by another cough and blood is continually pouring out of his mouth and his wounds.

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