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Jin's POV

"Please Jinnie, don't. It's my child. I'll call him mine. Everything that comes from you is beautiful. I love everything that comes from you. Including this baby here."

I faced him. How can he say such things. Ishe out of his mind?

"No, Tae. It's unfair for you. This child is not yours. I don't even know who the father of this monster is. I don't want to have anything to do with that incident anymore. I don't want anything to make me remember that nightmare."

Just by merely thinking of having this child with me for the rest of my life is giving me pain. I don't want to be reminded everyda of my waking life that I am such a weak person that I let that incident happen to me.

And also, I don't want to drag Taehyung on to doing this. He deserves better. Not this. Not to take care of a monster's son and think of it as his own.

"Jin, listen to me please. I repeat, I am the father of this child. This child not be mine biologically, but he is mine. I am his father. He came from my heart.

Just as how you are mine, this child that you bear is also mine. When I said that I will never leave you I understood that I need to accept and love everything that you can give and everything you had.

You know that ever since I want a family with you, right? I might have done some shits in the past but it will never change the fact that you are the person I chose to build a family with. And with this child here as our firstborn, Jinnie, I think it is the start of that dream to come true.

Please don't take away the chance of this child to see the world and be happy with the both of us as his parents. He is innocent. And most importantly he is mine."

All the time he said those words I just looked at him. To be really honest, I'm still afraid. I still have hesitations. I still don't want this child. But as I look at Taehyung, he seems so in love with this child inside of me even though this isn't his. All the time he is talking, he kept caressing my tummy. He sounded so desperate. Begging for me not to abort this baby.

"Aren't you disgusted with me? I'm r-raped. Used by those men other than you. Now this. I still can't believe you are saying those things. You are too good to be true Taehyung. Are you sure you are not going to regret being with me?

Maybe it's best for you to just let me be. Find someone else and be happy. I don't want you to be stuck with me. I don't want to burden you anymore. You've done a lot for me. I am thankful for that. I really am. But sometimes I can't help myself not to think that you are only doing these because you are eaten by guilt because of what happened to me. Even if you keep telling me that you love me, I still sometimes feel that way. So I'm giving you a way out now. Just go! Live your life. Don't bother about me anymore."

I finished my sentence and looked at Taehyung. I got no reaction from him. I'm right he is just guil-

"Are you done now Jinnie? It's my turn now. One, I am not disgusted with you. Tell you what, when I look at you, you are still that same pure and innocent person that I fell in love with years ago. To me, you are not tainted. And no, I will never regret choosing to stay with you.

Secondly, you are giving me a way out even if I'm not asking you to. Do you know how much it hurts? You keep pushing me away when all I wanted to do was stay and take care of you. You want me to be happy? Then let me be with you. Let me love you. That way I'll be happy. And you will never be a burden. The person I love will never be a burden.

And lastly I'm not doing this out of guilt. Yes I do regret what I did to you and I will be forever sorry for that. But the reason I'm doing this is because I care for you. It's because you are the other half of me. Everytime you cry I will cry Everytime you are happy I'm happy too. We are one Jin. You are me and I am you. You are my home Jin. Please don't push me away again."

I cried just listening to him. My mind can't come up with words to tell him. I just know he is sincere. I can feel his sincerity seeping through my veins. I pulled him to a hug and cried even more. Surprisingly I find this comforting. This feels as if tons of weight is lifted away from my shoulders.

He is right this is home.

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