Agony to Ecstasy

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     Dinner was dismal, and it was no surprise why- we had just lost our best Runner, newest Greenie, and our first in command.

     "They'll come back. It's going to be okay," Newt said, trying to reassure himself more than us.

     "I was going to tell him," I said, quietly. "I don't know when, but I was going to."

     "Minho is coming back, Mia, and you're going to still tell him that you love him," Gally said.

      "Wait, Mia loves Minho?" Chuck asked, curiously.

       "Well, um, yeah, Chuck. I do," I said.

      "I ship it. I ship it so hard," he said.

      "What?" I asked, laughing.

      "You two would make the perfect couple!" He exclaimed.

      "Well, thank you, but he's gone now, so your ship has sunk," I said, trying to hide the tear gliding down my face.

     "No don't say that, have some hope, wish for it to happen," Newt said, with motivation.

     I slowly shook my head. "Don't wish. Don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart," I said, remembering those random lyrics of a song.

     "Don't say that! They will come back!" Chuck said, desperately.

     "You guys said when I came here that no one survives a night in the Maze. I don't think that they're different," I said, trying with all my might not to break down into a fit of tears.

     "But we need hope," Newt whispered, his eyes full of despair. I shrugged, then we went off to bed.

     The next morning, we all gathered around the doors to see if they made it. When they opened, the Maze was silent and no one was to be seen.

     "I told you," I whisperered to Gally, before bolting into the woods. All the tears I had held in over this month came flooding out. I woke up somewhere new with only boys then I fall in love, only to have him die. I loved everything about Minho; his sarcasm, his sense of humor, his kind heart, his beautiful face. And now he was gone.

     "Hey, Mia, don't cry," Chuck said, walking up behind me. He sat down on the ground next to me, rubbing my back in a calming way. "It's alright, stop crying."

     "Chuck, as much as I appreciate you, can I please be alone right now?" I asked. He nodded, then stood up and left. I was bawling, Minho was never coming back, ever, and I could never handle that. I heard leaves crunching under someone's feet, coming up behind me. "Leave me alone," I said through the tears.

     "No, I'm staying right here," a familiar voice said. I stood up, then turned around to face him.

     "MINHO? YOUR ALIVE!!" I yelled, running over and hugging him. He hugged me back, then pulled away to look at me.

     "Why are you crying so much?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

     "Oh, well, uh, I was worried that, uh, one of my, uh, friends would die," I stammered.

     Minho looked at me with a sly smile. "No, no, no, no, no. This is beyond that. My other friends weren't crying about this," he said skeptically. "What's the truth?"

     "Minho, I-I like you. A lot. There, I said it," I responded

     He thought for a moment, then replied, "Well, I'm going to tell you now that I don't like you."

     "Oh, um, yeah, I," I began, but he just continued talking.

     "I don't like you because like isn't strong enough for how I feel about you, Mia. I love you, and I have ever since you came out of that Box. Well, I didn't see you right away when you came out of the Box, so, uh, since I first, um, saw you. I'm crazy about you and I know I always will be. Everyday in that Maze, you're all I think about. I love you to the moon and back. You are my world. I love you so shucking much, Mia," Minho said.

     "Minho, I-I love you, too. I love you, uh, I don't have anything good to say that can be on the same level as what you just said to me, but, um, you-" I was cut off as Minho cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I swear I truly saw fireworks. Nothing could bring me down from cloud 9. "Good that," I whisperered, making him smirk. "Let's go get you to the Med-Jacks," I said, noticing all of his injuries.

     "All I want to do is stay in here with you," he said, making me blush.

     "That's sounds lovely, but you're very injured and I want you safe. Come on, let's go," I said, and we walked out of the Deadheads hand in hand.

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