Truth or Dare

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      When I woke up the next morning, it was raining outside. I saw that the others were still asleep, so I realized that I probably had some time before I had to get up and start working. I lied in my bed and just listened to the rain.

     "Congratulations, Greenie," Gally whispered, causing me to jump. "You just got the day off."

     "Did I get fired already?" I asked him, groggily.

     "We can't work in the rain, shuck-face. The tools and stuff will rust," he explained.

     "Does that apply to everyone in the Glade?" I questioned.

     "I'll tell you later. Go back to sleep," Gally replied. He rolled over and, within minutes, was asleep again. But I was awake and wasn’t going to fall back asleep for a while, so I lied patiently in bed until Newt woke up.

     "Good morning, Greenie," he said, smiling.

     "Morning. What do we, uh, do today?" I replied.

     "We don’t get too much rain here, actually, but lucky for us, Alby lets us just relax and hang out," Newt explained.

     "Seriously?" I asked him.

     "Nope, we have to make plans and come up with theories about the Maze for about two hours, then we can do whatever.

     "Great, when does the whole 'plotting' thing start?"

     Newt glanced at his watch, then looked back up at me. "Probably in about five more minutes," he replied. "So, uh, we should go get breakfast, now."

     "Okay, sounds good."

     The actual work portion of the day was not as exciting as it could've been, but by nightfall, we were having the time of our lives.

     "Okay, Mia, truth or dare?" Gally asked.

     "Um, uh, truth," I replied.

     "Okay, uh, hm…" he started. As a devilish smile grew on his face, he said "Would you ever date Minho?"

     While trying not to blush (at least not too much), I said, "Um, I don't know, uh, maybe, I don't know."

     "He's not paying attention, you can tell us the truth now," Gally whispered.

     "I said 'I don't know' and I mean it," I started. I smiled, then lowered my voice before adding, "and you suck by the way."

     "I know," he replied, smirking.

     "Alright, let's see, let us see, uh…Newt- truth or dare?" I asked the blondie.

     "Uh……dare," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

     "Hmm, okay, Newt I dare you to…take off your shirt and run around in the rain for ten minutes," I told him.

     "But it's cold outside," he complained. "And I've got the limp so I can't run."

     "Oh, boo hoo. Walk around in the rain. Skip around. It doesn't matter how, just go," I urged him.

     "Ugh, fine. I'll go," Newt replied, grudgingly. He walked outside and stood there with his arms folded across his bare chest for ten minutes. Gally waved him to come inside after his time was up and the rest of the night went on like that. I went to sleep that night with a smile on my shucking Greenie face.

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