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     Once I woke up, I could tell that something was wrong. People outside of the Homestead were yelling and giving orders. I got dressed as quickly as possible, then ran outside. Right away, I noticed that the sky didn't look right. It was just solid grey.

     "It looks like a ceiling," Chuck said, walking up behind me. I nodded, still pondering the situation.

     "Hey, Chuck?" The boy looked up. "Do you know where Newt is?"

     "I saw him by the map room with Minho, Thomas, and Teresa," he replied. I thanked him, then ran over to go find out what was happening.

     "Hey guys. What's, um, going on? Why's the sky grey? This doesn't look like a good sign," I said, starting to panic.

     "Don't worry. It's going to be okay. Thomas the shank might be found us a way out of this hell," Minho said, smirking at Thomas.

     "Are-are you serious? You mean- we might be getting out?" I asked, finally seeing a dim light at the end of the dismally dark tunnel.

     "Yeah, they said it's off the cliff. We might be able to go home, but it's going to be hard," Newt explained. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you get back safe."   

     "So why are we gathered in the map room?" I asked.

     This time, it was Teresa who spoke up. "Well, um, I was...talking to Tom before, and I, uh, well, I remembered. The maze is a code and we're trying to figure it out."

     "Okay. Do you want me to do anything?" I asked.

     "No, uh, how 'bout you and I go outside and help everyone remain calm, alright, love?" Newt said. I nodded and the two of us walked outside to go help. For a while, we basically just told people to go back to their regular jobs, and in the end we did the same. I met up with Newt a little bit before the Runners came back. By the time they did return, a noticeable problem occurred.

     "Mia! Newt! Why aren't the doors closing?" Thomas yelled as he, Teresa, Minho, and Chuck ran over.

     "I don't know but get everyone to the Homestead. Tell the Builders to barricade the walls because if they don't close, there's a good chance the Grievers can come to us. Block off the Homestead and stay safe. I'll stay here and help protect us. Mia, listen to me. Go save yourself. I will come up in a few minutes and it'll be okay. Don't worry. Just go be safe," Newt ordered. I nodded, understanding. We ran to go save everyone, then we waited. That was the hard part. Waiting in the loudest silence I had ever heard. Then came a knock. Gentle, but urgent.

     "It's me, Newt. The Builders should be coming soon. Let me in," he whispered. Soon after, the other Builders came. All except one. Gally was missing. And then we heard it.

     Click Click. Whirrrr.

     The Grievers had come. We remained as still as possible until someone else came in. He stormed in and punched Thomas square in the face.

     "Why did you do it Thomas?" Gally yelled.

     "Gally, I didn't do anything to you guys!" Thomas shouted.

     "I went through the Changing, shank. I saw you. You did this to us.     "Gally, I didn't do anything to you guys!" Thomas shouted.

     "I went through the Changing, shank. I saw you. You did this to us. You and that girl," Gally said.

     "Mia?" Thomas asked.

     "Shuck no. Mia's perfect in every way. You ever realize I'm nicer around her, slinthead? There's no way in hell that Mia did this to us. It was the other shucking girl," he yelled.

     At that point, I finally came to my senses and spoke up.   

     "Gally! What are you doing?" I shouted.

     "You still don't get it, do you, slinthead? Shuck it, Mia! I loved you! But you were with Minho, then with Newt," Gally ranted. He began ripping off the boards we had nailed to the window. The Griever was getting nearer. "Then this shank shows up and everything gets messed up. I saw it out there. You don't want to go back. I'd say it's a living hell, but it's worse. Have fun dying when you make it out, because I'm done," he yelled, jumping out of the window, into the Griever. They all retreated and we were left again to the deafening sound of silence and sorrow.

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